Check Website Availability, Uptime And Load Speed

Check the availability of your website from more than 30 locations worldwide

Check website availability from 30 checkpoints

Your website might not load for you, but there is always a chance happens because of your internet service provider, browser, or other local problems. Also, your website might be unavailable only in the region you live in. Use our website availability tool to get detailed information about your website's health from around 30 checkpoints on 6 continents.

Check page loading time from around the world

In addition to the website availability check, it also shows how fast your site loads in each location. You can use this information to find out if your website is fast on all continents. We use a real Mozilla Firefox web browser to load your website entirely, with all heavy design elements.

How does this tool work?

We send a command to load your website to around 30 website monitoring probes and wait for an answer. As soon as we get a response, we display the loading times on the map to get a clear view of your site responsiveness worldwide. Also, we provide more detailed information in the table below. Just enter your website URL, and we will check it's availability immediately.

Latest tested websites

Site URL When Status 43 seconds ago Tick circle Up 2 minutes ago Tick circle Up 4 minutes ago Tick circle Up 13 minutes ago Tick circle Up 29 minutes ago Tick circle Up 33 minutes ago Tick circle Up 37 minutes ago Tick circle Up 1 hour ago Tick circle Up 1 hour ago Tick circle Up 1 hour ago Tick circle Up

How to use our website availability checker tool?

World map

Use the world map section to see how your website performs on 6 continents. Check each location by pointing your mouse on a colored dot. The green color means that we could load it successfully. The red color indicates that we failed.
World map


The waterfall will show how does exactly your page load. Every element will be displayed chronologically. You can select between locations we loaded your website from.


Check your website performance improved or decreased with time. Take action to fix slow parts of your site if it takes longer to load it than it used to. Also, compare your site performance relative to other websites tested with our availability checker tool.


This section will provide you with data regarding time spent per content time, domain, number of requests, etc. Use this information to improve the loading speed of your website. Also, check if some elements are making your website slow only in specific regions.