Why Is $_FILES Empty When Uploading Files To PHP?

Published August 26, 2024

Problem: Empty $_FILES Array When Uploading

The $_FILES superglobal array in PHP handles file uploads. Sometimes, this array may be empty after trying to upload files. This problem can stop file handling and cause issues when adding file upload features.

Common Causes and Solutions

PHP Configuration Issues

To fix an empty $_FILES array, check your PHP configuration. Open your php.ini file and look for these settings:

  • file_uploads: Set to "On" to allow file uploads.
  • post_max_size: Increase this value for larger file uploads.
  • upload_max_filesize: Adjust to match your maximum file size needs.

Check your permissions for file uploads. On shared hosting, you may need to use .htaccess or .user.ini files to change these settings.

Tip: Check PHP Configuration with phpinfo()

To quickly check your PHP configuration, create a PHP file with the following code and run it on your server:


This will display all your PHP settings, including file upload configurations.

HTML Form Configuration

Set up your HTML form correctly for file uploads:

  • Use enctype="multipart/form-data" in your
  • Set the method attribute to "POST".
  • Add a name attribute to your file input field, like <input type="file" name="uploadedfile">.

Server and Directory Permissions

Check your server's file permissions:

  • Give read and write permissions to your upload directory.
  • Make sure the temporary directory (specified by upload_tmp_dir in PHP settings) is accessible.
  • Check if the web server user owns the upload and temporary directories.

Troubleshooting Steps

Verifying PHP Settings

To check your PHP settings, use the phpinfo() function. Create a PHP file with this code:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Run it on your server to see your current PHP configuration.

Find the correct php.ini file path in the phpinfo() output. Make sure you edit the right file.

After making changes, check the phpinfo() output again to confirm they are applied. If settings don't update, restart your web server.

Tip: Check upload_max_filesize setting

In your php.ini file, look for the upload_max_filesize setting. Make sure it's set to a value larger than the files you're trying to upload. For example:

upload_max_filesize = 10M

This sets the maximum file upload size to 10 megabytes.

Inspecting HTML Form

Check your HTML form:

  • Close all form tags properly.
  • Avoid nested forms.
  • Check for overlapping tags like

Verify your form attributes:

  • Set enctype to "multipart/form-data".
  • Use method="POST" for file uploads.
  • Give each file input a unique name.

Testing with Small Files

Start by uploading small files, like a 1KB text file. This helps identify if the problem is related to file size.

If small files upload successfully, increase the file size gradually. This can help you find your server's file upload limit.

Try different file types (text, image, PDF) to see if the issue affects certain formats.

These steps can help you find the cause of your empty $_FILES array issue and solve it faster.