What Is The Syntax Of Nginx Configuration Files?

Published September 17, 2024

Problem: Understanding Nginx Configuration Syntax

Nginx configuration files have a specific syntax that can be hard to understand for people new to the web server. Learning how to structure these files correctly is important for proper server setup and management.

Key Components of Nginx Configuration Files


Nginx configuration files use directives to tell Nginx how to behave. There are three main types of directives:

  • Simple directives: Single-line instructions that end with a semicolon. Example: worker_processes 4; sets the number of worker processes.

  • Block directives: Instructions enclosed in curly braces {}. Example: The server block defines settings for a specific server.

  • Context directives: Block directives that can contain other directives. Example: The http context can contain multiple server blocks.

Example: Nested Directives

http {
    server {
        location / {
            root /var/www/html;
            index index.html;


Comments in Nginx configuration files start with the # symbol. Nginx ignores anything after the # on the same line. Example:

# This is a comment
server_name example.com; # This is also a comment

Comments help explain configurations or disable directives.


Nginx uses variables to store and manipulate data in the configuration. There are two types:

  • Built-in variables: Predefined variables Nginx provides. Examples: $request_uri (full original request URI) and $remote_addr (client's IP address).

  • Custom variables: You can create these using the set directive. Example: set $mobile_device "false";

Variables help create dynamic configurations and can be used in various directives and modules.

Tip: Using Variables in Conditionals

You can use variables in conditional statements to create dynamic configurations. For example:

if ($http_user_agent ~* "mobile") {
    set $mobile_device "true";

This sets the custom variable $mobile_device to "true" if the user agent contains "mobile".

Nginx Configuration File Structure

Nginx configuration files have a structured layout with different contexts nested within each other. Understanding this structure helps you create organized configurations.

Main Context

The main context is the top-level context in an Nginx configuration file. It contains global settings that apply to the entire Nginx instance.

  • Global settings: These are directives that affect the overall behavior of Nginx. Examples include:

    user nginx;
    worker_processes auto;
    pid /run/nginx.pid;
  • Event block: This block sets connection processing settings. It's defined within the main context:

    events {
      worker_connections 1024;
      use epoll;

Tip: Optimizing Worker Processes

When setting the worker_processes directive, consider using auto for Nginx to automatically determine the optimal number based on available CPU cores. Alternatively, set it manually to the number of CPU cores for best performance.

HTTP Context

The HTTP context is where most of the web server configuration happens. It's defined within the main context and contains server and location blocks.

  • Server blocks: Each server block defines a virtual server. You can have multiple server blocks to host different websites on the same Nginx instance:

    http {
      server {
          listen 80;
          server_name example.com;
          # Other server directives
  • Location blocks: These are nested within server blocks and define how Nginx handles requests for specific URI paths:

    server {
      location / {
          root /var/www/html;
          index index.html;
      location /images/ {
          alias /var/www/images/;

This structure helps you organize your Nginx configuration logically and makes it easier to manage multiple websites and complex setups.

Common Nginx Directives and Their Syntax

Nginx uses directives to control how it handles requests and serves content. Here are some common directives you'll often use in server and location blocks:

Server Block Directives

  • Listen directive: This directive tells Nginx which IP address and port to listen on for incoming connections. Syntax: listen [IP address]:port; Example: listen 80; or listen;

  • Server_name directive: This directive sets the domain names that the server block should respond to. Syntax: server_name domain1.com domain2.com; Example: server_name example.com www.example.com;

Location Block Directives

  • Root directive: This directive sets the root directory for requests in the location block. Syntax: root path; Example: root /var/www/html;

  • Index directive: This directive defines the default files Nginx should use when a directory is requested. Syntax: index file1 file2 ...; Example: index index.html index.htm;

  • Try_files directive: This directive specifies the order in which Nginx should check for files to serve. Syntax: try_files file1 file2 ... uri; Example: try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

These directives help you control how Nginx handles incoming requests and serves content. By combining them, you can create configurations to meet your needs.

Tip: Using Variables in Nginx Directives

Nginx allows you to use variables in many directives. For example, you can use the $host variable in the root directive to serve content from different directories based on the requested domain:

root /var/www/$host;

This can be useful for hosting multiple websites on a single server.

Conditional Statements in Nginx

Nginx lets you use conditional statements to control request processing. It's important to know the options and their limits.

If Statements

The if directive in Nginx performs simple conditional checks. Here's the basic syntax:

if (condition) {
    # Directives to execute if condition is true

You can use if statements to check:

  • Request URI: if ($request_uri = "/special-page") { ... }
  • HTTP headers: if ($http_user_agent ~* "Googlebot") { ... }
  • Request method: if ($request_method = POST) { ... }

if statements in Nginx have limits:

  1. They only work in server and location contexts.
  2. They don't support complex logic or nested conditions.
  3. Some directives don't work well inside if blocks.

Due to these limits, it's often better to use other Nginx features for complex logic.

Tip: Use Regular Expressions in If Statements

You can use regular expressions in if statements for more flexible matching. For example:

if ($request_uri ~* "^/blog/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})$") {
    return 301 /archives/$1-$2;

This redirects URLs like /blog/2023/05 to /archives/2023-05.

Map Directive

For more complex conditional logic, the map directive is a good alternative. It creates variables based on other variables. Here's the basic syntax:

map $source_variable $new_variable {
    value1 result1;
    value2 result2;
    default default_result;

You can use map to create complex conditions without if statements. For example:

map $request_uri $is_special_page {
    ~/special-page  1;
    default         0;

server {
    location / {
        if ($is_special_page) {
            return 200 "This is a special page";
        # Regular processing

This approach is more efficient and less prone to errors than using multiple if statements.

By understanding these conditional options in Nginx, you can create flexible and powerful configurations while avoiding common issues with overusing if statements.

Nginx Modules and Their Configuration Syntax

Nginx uses a modular architecture, allowing you to add features through modules. These modules add specific functions and directives to Nginx. Here's an overview of some Nginx modules and how to include their directives in your configuration:

Nginx modules:

  • ngx_http_rewrite_module: Allows URL rewriting and redirection.
  • ngx_http_proxy_module: Enables Nginx to act as a reverse proxy server.
  • ngx_http_fastcgi_module: Allows Nginx to interact with FastCGI servers.
  • ngx_http_ssl_module: Provides HTTPS support.
  • ngx_http_gzip_module: Enables on-the-fly gzip compression.

To include module-specific directives:

  1. Check if the module is built into your Nginx installation:

    nginx -V

    This command shows all compiled-in modules.

  2. If the module is not built-in, you may need to recompile Nginx with the desired module.

  3. Once the module is available, you can use its directives in your configuration file. For example, to use the rewrite module:

    server {
       listen 80;
       server_name example.com;
       location / {
           rewrite ^/old-page$ /new-page permanent;
  4. Some modules require you to load them explicitly using the load_module directive in the main context:

    load_module modules/ngx_http_image_filter_module.so;
  5. After adding module-specific directives, test your configuration:

    nginx -t
  6. If the test is successful, reload Nginx to apply the changes:

    nginx -s reload

By understanding how to use Nginx modules and their directives, you can extend Nginx's functions to meet your needs.

Example: Using the ngx_http_gzip_module

To enable gzip compression using the ngx_http_gzip_module, add the following directives to your Nginx configuration:

http {
    gzip on;
    gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
    gzip_min_length 1000;
    gzip_comp_level 6;

This configuration enables gzip compression for specific MIME types, sets a minimum length for compression, and sets the compression level to 6 (out of 9).