What Are The Differences Between Define() And Const In PHP?

Published October 17, 2024

Problem: Define() vs Const in PHP

PHP has two main ways to declare constants: the define() function and the const keyword. These methods have different features and uses, which can cause confusion about when to use each one. Understanding their differences is important for writing good PHP code.

Two Methods for Declaring Constants in PHP

Using the define() Function

The define() function is a method for declaring constants in PHP. Its basic syntax is:

define('CONSTANT_NAME', 'value');

For example:

define('MAX_USERS', 100);

The define() function creates constants at runtime, meaning they are set when the PHP script is executed. This allows for flexibility in defining constants based on runtime conditions or variables.

Tip: Case-Insensitive Constants

When using the define() function, you can make the constant case-insensitive by adding a third parameter set to true:

define('GREETING', 'Hello, World!', true);

This allows you to use the constant regardless of its case, like echo GREETING; or echo greeting;.

Using the const Keyword

The const keyword is another way to declare constants in PHP. Its basic syntax is:

const CONSTANT_NAME = 'value';

For example:

const MIN_AGE = 18;

Constants declared with const are defined at compile-time, before the script starts running. This means they are set as soon as PHP processes the script, regardless of whether that part of the code is executed or not.

Both methods create constants that cannot be changed once they are set, but they have different uses and limits due to when they are defined in the script's lifecycle.

Key Differences Between define() and const

Execution Time

The define() function creates constants at runtime, meaning the constant is set when the PHP script runs. This allows for more flexibility in defining constants based on runtime conditions or variables.

The const keyword defines constants at compile-time. This means the constant is set when PHP processes the script, before it starts running.

Tip: Choose wisely based on your needs

Consider using define() when you need to set constants dynamically based on runtime conditions. Use const for constants that are known at compile-time and don't change during script execution.

Scope and Namespace Considerations

When using define(), the constant is always in the global scope, regardless of where it's defined in the code. You can access the constant from anywhere in your script.

Constants declared with const are namespace-aware. If used outside of a class, they belong to the current namespace. This can be useful for organizing constants in large projects.

Flexibility in Naming

The define() function allows for dynamic naming of constants. You can use variables or expressions to create the constant name:

$prefix = "MAX_";
define($prefix . "USERS", 100);

With const, you must use a static name. You cannot use variables or expressions to create the constant name.

Data Types and Expressions

The define() function can accept a wide range of values and expressions. You can use complex expressions or function calls to set the constant value:

define("PI", 3.14159);
define("TODAY", date("Y-m-d"));

Before PHP 5.6, const was limited to scalar values (integers, floats, strings, booleans, and null). Since PHP 5.6, const can also accept arrays and simple expressions.

Conditional Definitions

You can use define() inside conditional statements, allowing you to define constants based on certain conditions:

if (some_condition()) {
    define("DEBUG_MODE", true);

The const keyword cannot be used inside conditional statements or functions. It must be used in the outermost scope of a file or inside a class definition.

Case Sensitivity

By default, constants defined with define() are case-sensitive. However, you can make them case-insensitive by setting the third parameter to true:

define("GREETING", "Hello", true);
echo GREETING; // Works
echo greeting; // Also works

Constants defined with const are always case-sensitive. There's no option to make them case-insensitive.

Example: Using case-insensitive constants

define("APP_VERSION", "1.0.3", true);
echo APP_VERSION; // Outputs: 1.0.3
echo app_version; // Also outputs: 1.0.3
echo App_Version; // Still outputs: 1.0.3

When to Use define() vs const

Scenarios Favoring define()

The define() function is useful in these scenarios:

  1. Dynamic constant names: When you need to create constants with names determined at runtime, use define(). For example:
$prefix = "CONFIG_";
$settings = ["DB_HOST", "DB_USER", "DB_PASS"];
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
    define($prefix . $setting, get_config_value($setting));
  1. Conditional definitions: If you need to define constants based on conditions, define() allows you to do this within control structures:
if (is_dev_environment()) {
    define("DEBUG_MODE", true);
} else {
    define("DEBUG_MODE", false);
  1. Runtime flexibility: When you need to set constants based on runtime information or calculations, use define():
define("SERVER_LOAD", get_server_load());
define("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", time());

Tip: Using define() for Configuration Files

When working with configuration files, define() can be useful for setting environment-specific constants. Create a separate config file for each environment (e.g., development, staging, production) and use define() to set the appropriate values:

// config.production.php
define("DB_HOST", "production.example.com");
define("API_KEY", "prod_key_123");

// config.development.php
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("API_KEY", "dev_key_456");

Then, load the appropriate config file based on the current environment.

Scenarios Favoring const

The const keyword is often preferred in these situations:

  1. Class constants: When defining constants within a class, const is the only option:
class User {
    const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
    const STATUS_INACTIVE = 0;
  1. Namespace-specific constants: If you're working with namespaces and want constants to be namespace-aware, use const:
namespace MyApp\Config;

const APP_NAME = "My Application";
const APP_VERSION = "1.0.0";
  1. Code readability: For constants that are known at compile-time and don't change, using const can make your code more readable:

This approach shows that these values are fixed and won't change during script execution.