Is There A Public Wildcard Domain That Resolves To

Published September 9, 2024

Problem: Resolving Wildcard Domains to Localhost

Finding a public wildcard domain that resolves to (localhost) can be difficult. This problem occurs when testing or developing applications that need specific domain settings without changing local system files or setting up custom DNS servers.

Public Wildcard Domains for Localhost

Local DNS Configuration Issues

Changing the hosts file on a local machine can cause problems. It often needs admin rights, which may not be available in all development setups. Frequent changes to the hosts file can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when working on many projects with different domain needs.

Some development setups, like those in companies or on locked systems, may limit access to the hosts file or restrict changes to system settings. This can make it hard for developers to set up custom domain names for local testing.

Tip: Use a hosts file manager

Consider using a hosts file manager tool to simplify the process of editing your hosts file. These tools provide a user-friendly interface and often don't require admin rights for each change, making it easier to manage multiple local domains.

Public Wildcard Domains

* is a public wildcard domain that points to VMware created it for their open cloud platform, but developers now use it widely for local testing. This domain allows any subdomain to point to localhost without extra setup.

While * is the most known option, other public wildcard domains are available:

  • * Another wildcard domain that points to
  • * Like, this domain also points to localhost
  • * Stands for "localhost via hosts," and works like the others mentioned

These public wildcard domains give developers options for local development without changing system files or setting up complex DNS configurations.

Using * as a Localhost Wildcard Domain

How * Works

* is a public wildcard domain that resolves to It uses DNS records to direct all subdomains to the localhost IP address. When you access any subdomain of, your computer treats it as if you're accessing your local machine.

The benefits of using * include:

  • No need to change your hosts file
  • Works on different devices and networks
  • Allows testing of multiple subdomains without extra setup
  • Simplifies development of multi-tenant applications

Implementing * in Your Development Workflow

To use * in your development:

  1. Start your local web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx)
  2. Use a subdomain of in your browser (e.g.,
  3. Your browser will connect to your local web server

Examples of subdomains you can use:

You can use these subdomains to test different parts of your application or multiple projects at the same time.

Tip: Configuring Virtual Hosts

To make the most of *, set up virtual hosts in your web server configuration. For Apache, you can add a new virtual host entry in your httpd-vhosts.conf file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias *
    DocumentRoot "/path/to/your/project"
    <Directory "/path/to/your/project">
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

This configuration allows you to access your project using any subdomain of

Alternative Solutions for Localhost Domain Resolution

Local DNS Servers

Setting up a local DNS server is another way to resolve wildcard domains to localhost. This method involves running a DNS server on your local machine or network.

To set up a local DNS server:

  1. Install DNS server software (e.g., BIND, dnsmasq)
  2. Configure the server to resolve your chosen domain to
  3. Set your computer to use this local DNS server

Pros of using a local DNS server:

  • Control over domain resolution
  • Can handle multiple domains and subdomains
  • Works for all applications on your machine

Cons of this approach:

  • Needs technical knowledge to set up and maintain
  • May need extra software installation
  • Can be hard to configure correctly

Tip: Securing Your Local DNS Server

When setting up a local DNS server, make sure to secure it properly. Limit access to the server only from your local network, use strong passwords for administration, and keep the DNS software updated to protect against vulnerabilities.

Browser Extensions and Tools

Several browser extensions and tools can help with localhost domain resolution without changing system settings.

Some options include:

  1. Hosts File Editor extensions: Let you change your hosts file from the browser
  2. Proxy switchers: Route specific domains through a local proxy
  3. Custom DNS resolvers: Change DNS settings for specific domains in the browser

Comparing browser-based solutions with public wildcard domains:

Browser solutions:

  • Work only in the browser
  • May need setup for each browser
  • Often easier to use than changing system files

Public wildcard domains:

  • Work across all applications
  • No setup needed
  • Limited to the specific wildcard domain (e.g., *

Pick the method that fits your development workflow and technical needs.