How to Install Pip2.7 In CentOS?

Published July 3, 2024

Problem: Installing Pip2.7 on CentOS

Installing Pip2.7 on CentOS can be hard for users who need to manage Python packages for older Python versions. CentOS doesn't always include Pip2.7 by default, and the installation process may not be clear. Users often have trouble finding the right way to install it and making sure it works with their current Python setup.

Step-by-Step Guide to Install Pip2.7

Prepare Your CentOS System

Before you install Pip2.7, check your Python installations and update your system packages.

To check your Python installations, open a terminal and run:

python --version
python2 --version
python2.7 --version

This shows the versions of Python on your system.

Next, update your system packages:

sudo yum update

Download and Install Pip2.7

To install Pip2.7, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Pip installer script:
curl -o
  1. Run the installation command:
sudo python2.7
  1. Check the installation:
pip2.7 --version

This shows the installed Pip version.

Fix Common Installation Issues

If you have issues during installation, try these fixes:

For dependency problems:

sudo yum install python-devel

For permission errors:

sudo chmod +x

Then run the installation command again.

If you still have issues, try running the installation with the --user flag:

python2.7 --user

This guide helps you install Pip2.7 on your CentOS system. Use pip2.7 when installing packages for Python 2.7.

Alternative Methods for Installing Pip2.7

Using Yum Package Manager

You can install Pip2.7 using the Yum package manager on CentOS. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Run the following command:
    sudo yum install epel-release
    sudo yum install python-pip

This method is simple and quick. It uses the official CentOS repositories, which means the packages are tested and work with your system. However, you might not get the latest version of Pip, and it may not work if you have a custom Python installation.

Manual Installation from Source

For more control over the installation process, you can install Pip2.7 from source:

  1. Download the Pip source code:

  2. Extract the downloaded file:

    tar -xzf pip-20.3.4.tar.gz
  3. Go to the extracted directory:

    cd pip-20.3.4
  4. Install Pip using Python 2.7:

    sudo python2.7 install

This method gives you the latest version of Pip2.7 and works with custom Python installations. However, it requires more technical knowledge and takes more time than using Yum.