How To Use Regex In Nginx Location Block?

Published September 17, 2024

Problem: Using Regex in Nginx Location Blocks

Regular expressions in Nginx location blocks offer strong URL matching options. However, using regex in these blocks can be difficult due to their syntax and the need for exact pattern matching.

Implementing Regex in Nginx Location Blocks

Syntax for Using Regex in Location Blocks

The basic structure of a location block with regex in Nginx follows this pattern:

location ~ regex_pattern {
    # Configuration directives

The tilde (~) modifier shows that the location block uses a case-sensitive regular expression. For case-insensitive matching, use the tilde-asterisk (~*) modifier:

location ~* regex_pattern {
    # Configuration directives

Common Regex Patterns for Nginx Location Blocks

Matching file extensions is a common use for regex in Nginx location blocks. For example, to match all PHP files:

location ~ \.php$ {
    # PHP file handling directives

Capturing groups let you extract parts of the matched URL for use in your configuration. Here's an example that captures a username from a URL:

location ~ ^/user/([^/]+) {
    set $username $1;
    # Use $username in your configuration

Alternation allows you to match multiple patterns in a single location block. This example matches either "about" or "contact" pages:

location ~ ^/(about|contact)$ {
    # Directives for about or contact pages

These patterns show how regex can create flexible URL matching in Nginx location blocks.

Tip: Optimize Regex Performance

Use the "=" modifier for exact matches when possible. It's faster than regex and can improve server performance. For example:

location = /favicon.ico {
    log_not_found off;
    access_log off;

Advanced Regex Techniques for Nginx

Case-Sensitive vs Case-Insensitive Matching

Nginx offers options for case-sensitive and case-insensitive matching in location blocks using regular expressions.

Using ~ for case-sensitive matching:

location ~ ^/About$ {
    # This will match /About but not /about

Using ~* for case-insensitive matching:

location ~* ^/about$ {
    # This will match /about, /About, /ABOUT, etc.

Case-sensitive matching is useful when you need to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase URLs. Case-insensitive matching helps when you want to treat variations of the same word equally.

Tip: Combining Case-Sensitive and Case-Insensitive Matching

You can combine both case-sensitive and case-insensitive matching in your Nginx configuration to handle different scenarios:

location ~ ^/API/ {
    # Case-sensitive matching for API endpoints

location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ {
    # Case-insensitive matching for image files

This approach allows you to have strict matching for specific paths (like API endpoints) while being more flexible for other resources (like image files).

Negating Regex Patterns in Location Blocks

You can use negative lookaheads to exclude specific patterns from matching in Nginx location blocks.

Implementing negative lookaheads:

location ~ ^/(?!admin|private).*$ {
    # This will match all URLs except those starting with /admin or /private

Excluding specific patterns from matching:

location ~ ^/files/(?!restricted/).*$ {
    # This will match all files except those in the 'restricted' directory

These techniques allow you to create more complex matching rules, giving you more control over how Nginx handles different URL patterns.

Optimizing Nginx Location Blocks with Regex

Best Practices for Regex in Nginx

Simple and efficient regex patterns help maintain a well-performing Nginx server. Here are some tips:

  1. Use anchors (^ and $) to match the start and end of the string. This stops partial matches.

  2. Group related patterns using parentheses () to improve readability and performance.

  3. Use non-capturing groups (?:) when you don't need to reference the matched content later.

  4. Use quantifiers ({n}, {n,m}) instead of repeating patterns when possible.

Tip: Use Case-Insensitive Matching

For more flexible matching, use the case-insensitive flag (~*) in your location block. This allows your regex to match both uppercase and lowercase letters:

location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ {
    # Directives for image files

Avoid regex for exact matches. For static URLs or file paths, use the exact match modifier (=):

location = /exact/path {
    # Directives

This is faster than regex matching and can improve server performance.

Troubleshooting Regex in Nginx Location Blocks

Common regex errors in Nginx configuration include:

  1. Not escaping special characters like . and ?, which have special meanings in regex.

  2. Using capturing groups (() when non-capturing groups (?:) would work.

  3. Writing complex patterns that are hard to maintain and can slow down processing.

  4. Not accounting for all possible input variations, leading to wrong matches.

Tools for testing and debugging regex patterns:

  1. Online regex testers like or can help you test your patterns.

  2. Nginx's error log can provide information about regex-related issues. Increase the log level for more details:

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;
  1. Use the nginx -t command to test your configuration file for syntax errors before reloading the server.

  2. The pcretest utility lets you test PCRE regex patterns from the command line.

By following these practices and using these tools, you can create better regex patterns in your Nginx location blocks.