How To Show A Number To Two Decimal Places In PHP?

Published October 16, 2024

Problem: Displaying Numbers with Two Decimal Places in PHP

Showing numbers with a set number of decimal places is often needed in PHP programming. For financial calculations or data display, you might need to show numbers with two decimal places for clarity.

PHP Solution: Using number_format() Function

Using number_format() for Two Decimal Places

The number_format() function in PHP formats numbers with decimal places. Here's how to use it to show numbers with two decimal places:

Syntax of number_format():

number_format(float $number, int $decimals = 0, string $decimal_separator = ".", string $thousands_separator = ",")


  • $number: The number to format
  • $decimals: The number of decimal places (2 in our case)
  • $decimal_separator: The character for the decimal point ("." in our case)
  • $thousands_separator: The character for the thousands separator (we'll use an empty string)

To change a string to a float before formatting, use type casting:

$number = "520"; // String from a database
$formatted_number = number_format((float)$number, 2, '.', '');
echo $formatted_number; // Outputs: 520.00

This method works for whole numbers and numbers with decimal places. It rounds the number to two decimal places and adds zeros if needed.

Tip: Handling Negative Numbers

When using number_format() with negative numbers, remember that the function preserves the negative sign. For example:

$negative_number = -123.456;
$formatted_negative = number_format($negative_number, 2, '.', '');
echo $formatted_negative; // Outputs: -123.46

This ensures that negative values are correctly displayed with two decimal places.

Step-by-Step Guide to Formatting Numbers

Creating a Custom Function for Rounding

You can create a custom function called round_to_2dp() to format numbers. This function handles the formatting process and can be used in your code. Here's how to define and use this custom function:

function round_to_2dp($number) {
    return number_format((float)$number, 2, '.', '');

This function takes a number as input and returns a string with the number formatted to two decimal places. It handles different input types by converting the input to a float before formatting.

To use the function:

$whole_number = "520";
echo round_to_2dp($whole_number); // Outputs: 520.00

$decimal_number = 123.456789;
echo round_to_2dp($decimal_number); // Outputs: 123.46

$negative_number = -98.7;
echo round_to_2dp($negative_number); // Outputs: -98.70

This custom function simplifies formatting numbers to two decimal places and can handle various input types, including strings, integers, and floats. It also keeps the sign of negative numbers, making it useful for financial calculations or other applications where precise decimal representation is needed.

Tip: Handling Large Numbers

When dealing with large numbers, you can modify the round_to_2dp() function to include thousand separators for improved readability:

function round_to_2dp_with_separators($number) {
    return number_format((float)$number, 2, '.', ',');

$large_number = 1234567.89;
echo round_to_2dp_with_separators($large_number); // Outputs: 1,234,567.89

Alternative Methods for Decimal Formatting

Using sprintf() Function

The sprintf() function in PHP offers another way to format numbers with decimal places. Here's how to use it:

Syntax of sprintf():

$formatted_number = sprintf("%.2f", $number);

The "%.2f" format specifier tells sprintf() to format the number with two decimal places.

Example usage:

$number = 123.456789;
$formatted_number = sprintf("%.2f", $number);
echo $formatted_number; // Outputs: 123.46

Comparing sprintf() with number_format():

  • sprintf() is more flexible for complex string formatting
  • number_format() is simpler for basic number formatting
  • sprintf() doesn't handle thousand separators by default
  • Both functions round the number to the specified decimal places

Tip: Precision Control with sprintf()

You can adjust the precision dynamically using a variable in the format specifier. For example:

$precision = 3;
$formatted_number = sprintf("%.*f", $precision, $number);

This allows you to control the number of decimal places at runtime.

Applying round() Function

The round() function can be combined with string formatting to achieve the desired result:

$number = 123.456789;
$rounded_number = round($number, 2);
$formatted_number = number_format($rounded_number, 2, '.', '');
echo $formatted_number; // Outputs: 123.46

Pros of using round():

  • Offers control over rounding behavior
  • Can be used separately for mathematical operations

Cons of using round():

  • Requires extra steps for string formatting
  • Doesn't handle thousand separators on its own

Tip: Handling Floating-Point Precision

When working with floating-point numbers, be aware of potential precision issues. For very precise calculations, consider using the BC Math functions or a decimal arithmetic library.

Both sprintf() and round() provide alternative methods for formatting numbers with two decimal places in PHP. The choice between these methods and number_format() depends on your needs and the complexity of your formatting requirements.