How To Schedule A Cron Job For The First Sunday Of Every Month?

Published August 21, 2024

Problem: Scheduling Monthly Cron Jobs

Scheduling a cron job for the first Sunday of every month can be difficult because calendar dates change. This task needs a specific method to make the job run on the right day, no matter how the month begins.

Implementing the Solution

The Complete Cron Job Command

To schedule a cron job for the first Sunday of every month at 9:00 AM, use this command:

00 09 * * 7 [ $(date +\%d) -le 07 ] && /run/your/script

This command combines cron syntax with a conditional check. It uses the 'date' command to determine the day of the month, allowing the job to run only on the first Sunday.

Tip: Testing Your Cron Job

Before setting up the cron job permanently, you can test it by running the command manually in your terminal. Replace '/run/your/script' with 'echo "This is a test"' and execute the command. This will help you verify if the condition works as expected.

Explanation of the Command Components

The square brackets [ ] create a test condition. Inside these brackets, the 'date' command gets the current day of the month.

The 'date' command with the +\%d option returns the day of the month as a number from 01 to 31. The backslash before %d is needed in the crontab file to escape the percent sign.

The '-le 07' condition checks if the day of the month is less than or equal to 7. This condition makes sure the job runs only within the first week of the month.

The && operator means that the script will only run if the condition in the square brackets is true. This way, the job runs only on the first Sunday of each month.