How To Run A Cron Job Only Once At A Specific Time?

Published August 21, 2024

Problem: Running a Cron Job Once at a Specific Time

Cron jobs are usually set up to run repeatedly at scheduled times. However, sometimes you need to run a task only once at a specific time. This can be tricky when setting up cron to perform a single, time-specific task without repeating it.

Solutions for Running Cron Jobs Once at a Specific Time

Using the 'at' Command for One-Time Scheduling

The 'at' command schedules one-time tasks. You can set a future time for a command to run. The syntax is:

echo "/path/to/command options" | at [time]

To run a command tomorrow:

echo "/usr/bin/my_command" | at now + 1 day

Tip: Verify Scheduled Tasks

Use the 'atq' command to list all scheduled tasks. This helps you confirm that your task was successfully scheduled and view its queue number for potential modifications or deletions.

Cron Job with Self-Disabling Script

If 'at' is not available, create a self-disabling script:

  1. Set up a cron job with a specific time:

    0 0 2 12 * /path/to/
  2. Create a script that runs only once:

    if [ -f "$MARKER" ]; then
     exit 0
    # Your one-time task here
    echo "Task executed" | mail -s "One-time task complete"
    touch "$MARKER"

This script checks for a marker file and exits if it exists, stopping multiple runs.

Using Cron with Date Checking

Another method uses date checking:


CURRENT_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

if [ "$CURRENT_DATE" != "$EXECUTION_DATE" ]; then
  exit 0

# Your one-time task here
echo "Holiday task executed" | mail -s "Holiday task complete"

This script runs the task only on the set date, exiting if the current date doesn't match.

Example: Adding Logging to Date-Based Cron Jobs


CURRENT_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

if [ "$CURRENT_DATE" != "$EXECUTION_DATE" ]; then
  echo "$(date): Script checked, but not executed (wrong date)" >> "$LOG_FILE"
  exit 0

# Your one-time task here
echo "Holiday task executed" | mail -s "Holiday task complete"

echo "$(date): Task executed successfully" >> "$LOG_FILE"

This example adds logging to track script execution attempts and successes, which is useful for monitoring and troubleshooting one-time cron jobs.