How To Remove The "Server: Apache" Header?

Published August 26, 2024

Problem: Removing Apache Server Headers

The "Server: Apache" header in HTTP responses can show information about the web server software. This can be a security risk by giving potential attackers details about the server setup.

Common Attempts to Remove the Header

Modifying the httpd.conf File

Administrators often try to remove or change the "Server: Apache" header by editing the httpd.conf file. Here are some common methods:

  • Using ServerSignature Off: This turns off the server signature on server-generated pages like error documents. However, it doesn't affect the Server header in HTTP responses.

  • Setting ServerTokens Prod: This reduces the information in the Server header to just "Apache" without version numbers or other details. It limits the information shared but doesn't remove the header completely.

  • Using Header unset Server: Some administrators try this to remove the Server header entirely. However, it doesn't work because Apache doesn't allow complete removal of this header through configuration settings alone.

These methods can reduce the information in the Server header, but they don't remove it completely. The header will still show "Apache" as the server software, which some administrators consider a security issue.

Tip: Consider Using a Reverse Proxy

For those who want to hide the Apache server header completely, using a reverse proxy like Nginx can be a good option. Nginx can be configured to replace or remove the Apache server header before sending the response to the client. This adds an extra layer of security and control over the information shared about your server setup.

Why Removing the Header Completely is Challenging

Apache HTTP Server developers don't allow full removal of the "Server: Apache" header through settings alone. They have several reasons for this:

  1. Usage statistics: The header helps track Apache installations worldwide. This data shows Apache's market share and usage trends.

  2. Debugging: The server header helps troubleshoot issues. It provides information to identify server-specific problems.

  3. HTTP specification: There's a question about whether removing the server header follows HTTP specifications.

  4. Security concerns: Developers say removing the header doesn't improve security much. They think it might create a false sense of security.

  5. Proxy server handling: Some proxy servers use the server header to handle requests better. Removing it could affect these processes.

  6. Other options: Developers suggest users who need to change the header can edit the source code or use reverse proxies.

These reasons have led Apache to keep the server header, even when administrators try to remove it completely through settings.

Tip: Customizing the Server Header

While you can't completely remove the "Server: Apache" header, you can customize it using the ServerTokens directive in your Apache configuration. Set it to "ProductOnly" to display only "Apache" without version information:

ServerTokens ProductOnly

This approach balances Apache's requirements with minimizing exposed information.