How To Remove The Last Comma From A String In PHP?

Published October 13, 2024

Problem: Removing the Last Comma from a String

Removing the last comma from a string in PHP is a common task when formatting data or presenting output. This operation is often needed when working with comma-separated lists or preparing data for display or processing.

Simple Solution: Using rtrim() Function

How rtrim() Works

The rtrim() function in PHP removes characters from the right side of a string. It's useful for removing the last comma from a string.

rtrim() removes specified characters from the right side of a string. By default, it removes whitespace characters, but you can specify which characters to remove.

The basic syntax of rtrim() is:

rtrim(string $string, string $characters = " \t\n\r\0\x0B")


  • $string is the input string to be trimmed
  • $characters is an optional parameter specifying which characters to remove (default is whitespace)

To remove the last comma from a string, you can use rtrim() like this:

$string = "a,b,c,d,e,";
$trimmed_string = rtrim($string, ",");
echo $trimmed_string; // Output: a,b,c,d,e

In this example, rtrim() removes all trailing commas from the string. If there are multiple commas at the end, they will all be removed.

Note that rtrim() will remove all specified characters from the end of the string, not just the last one. If you need to remove only the last comma, even if there are multiple commas at the end, you might need to use a different approach.

Handling Multiple Characters

You can use rtrim() to remove multiple types of characters at once. For example, to remove both commas and whitespace from the end of a string:

$string = "a,b,c,d,e,  ";
$trimmed_string = rtrim($string, ", ");
echo $trimmed_string; // Output: a,b,c,d,e

This can be useful when dealing with user input or data from external sources where trailing characters may vary.

Alternative Approach: Substring Manipulation

Using substr() and strrpos()

Another method to remove the last comma from a string in PHP uses the substr() and strrpos() functions. This approach allows for more control over string manipulation.

The substr() function extracts part of a string, while strrpos() finds the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.

Here's how these functions work:

  • substr(string $string, int $start, ?int $length = null): This function returns part of a string. It takes the original string, the starting position, and optionally, the length of the substring to extract.

  • strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): This function finds the position of the last occurrence of a substring (needle) in a string (haystack).

To remove the last comma using these functions:

  1. Find the position of the last comma using strrpos().
  2. Use substr() to extract the part of the string before the last comma.

Here's a code example:

$string = "a,b,c,d,e,";

// Find the position of the last comma
$last_comma_position = strrpos($string, ',');

// If a comma is found, remove it
if ($last_comma_position !== false) {
    $result = substr($string, 0, $last_comma_position);
} else {
    $result = $string; // No comma found, return the original string

echo $result; // Output: a,b,c,d,e

This method is useful when you need to remove only the last comma, even if there are multiple commas at the end of the string. It provides more control over the string manipulation process compared to the rtrim() function.

Handling Multiple Delimiters

When working with strings that might have different delimiters, you can modify this approach to handle multiple cases. Here's an example:

function removeLastDelimiter($string, $delimiters = [',', ';', '|']) {
    $lastPosition = -1;
    $lastDelimiter = '';

    foreach ($delimiters as $delimiter) {
        $position = strrpos($string, $delimiter);
        if ($position !== false && $position > $lastPosition) {
            $lastPosition = $position;
            $lastDelimiter = $delimiter;

    if ($lastPosition !== -1) {
        return substr($string, 0, $lastPosition);

    return $string;

$string = "a,b;c|d,";
echo removeLastDelimiter($string); // Output: a,b;c|d

This function checks for multiple delimiters and removes the last occurring one, making it more versatile for various string formats.

Tip: Handling Edge Cases

When using this method, always check if strrpos() returns a valid position before using substr(). This prevents errors when the string doesn't contain a comma:

$string = "abcde"; // No comma in the string

$last_comma_position = strrpos($string, ',');

$result = ($last_comma_position !== false) 
    ? substr($string, 0, $last_comma_position) 
    : $string;

echo $result; // Output: abcde

This approach makes your code more stable and able to handle various input scenarios.

Advanced Technique: Regular Expressions

Using preg_replace()

Regular expressions in PHP let you manipulate strings. They allow pattern matching and replacement operations. The preg_replace() function is a tool for using regular expressions in PHP.

To remove the last comma from a string using preg_replace(), use this code:

$string = "a,b,c,d,e,";
$result = preg_replace('/,\s*$/', '', $string);
echo $result; // Output: a,b,c,d,e

This pattern '/,\s*$/' matches a comma followed by whitespace characters at the string's end. The second parameter '' replaces the matched pattern with an empty string.

Pros of using preg_replace():

  • It's flexible and handles complex patterns.
  • It removes the last comma even with spaces after it.
  • The same pattern works for different string formats.

Cons of using preg_replace():

  • It can be slower than simple string functions for basic operations.
  • Regular expressions can be hard to read and maintain.
  • Incorrect patterns might cause unexpected results or errors.

Here's an example showing the flexibility of this method:

$strings = [
    "a,b,c,d,e, ",

foreach ($strings as $string) {
    $result = preg_replace('/,\s*$/', '', $string);
    echo $result . "\n";

This code handles all three cases, removing the last comma (and trailing spaces) when present, and leaving the string unchanged if there's no trailing comma.

Tip: Escaping Special Characters in Regular Expressions

When using regular expressions, remember to escape special characters that have meaning in regex. For example, if you need to match a literal dot (.) in your pattern, use . instead. Here's an example:

$string = "file.txt.";
$result = preg_replace('/\.\s*$/', '', $string);
echo $result; // Output: file.txt

This pattern removes the last dot (and any trailing spaces) from a filename.