How To Redirect Users To A Different Page Using PHP?

Published October 8, 2024

Problem: Redirecting Users with PHP

Redirecting visitors to a different page is a common task in web development. PHP offers methods to do this, allowing you to guide users to new locations within a website or to external URLs.

PHP Redirect Methods

Using the header() Function

The header() function is the main way to create redirects in PHP. Here's how to use it:


This function sends an HTTP header to the browser, telling it to go to the specified URL. The header() function must be used before any output is sent to the browser. This includes HTML, spaces, or PHP echo statements. If output has been sent, the redirect will not work.

Tip: Check for Output Before Redirect

Use the ob_get_length() function to check if any output has been sent before attempting a redirect:

if (ob_get_length() === false) {
} else {
    echo "Cannot redirect, output already sent.";

Implementing Location Header

To set the Location header for a redirect, use this format:

header("Location: " . $newURL);

Replace $newURL with the URL you want to redirect to. You can use both absolute and relative URLs:

Absolute URL:


Relative URL:

header("Location: /page.php");

Relative URLs are good for redirecting within the same domain, while absolute URLs are needed for redirecting to other sites.

Add an exit() or die() statement after the redirect to stop the script from running further:


This helps keep your site secure and stops unwanted code from running after the redirect starts.

Best Practices for PHP Redirects

Adding Status Codes

Status codes in redirects tell browsers and search engines about the redirect type. Common status codes for redirects include:

  • 301: Permanent redirect
  • 302: Temporary redirect
  • 303: See Other (redirect after POST)
  • 307: Temporary redirect (keeps the HTTP method)

To add a status code to your redirect, use this format:

header("Location:", true, 301);

The third parameter sets the status code. Use 301 for permanent redirects and 302 for temporary ones.

Tip: Choose the Right Status Code

Select the appropriate status code based on your redirect's purpose. Use 301 for permanent redirects when content has moved permanently, and 302 for temporary redirects when the change is not permanent. This helps search engines and browsers handle the redirect correctly.

Stopping Script Execution After Redirect

After setting up a redirect, stop the script from running further. Use the exit() or die() function after the redirect:


This stops any more code from running after the redirect is set. It's good for security and helps avoid unexpected behavior.

Here's a function that combines status codes and script termination:

function redirect($url, $statusCode = 302) {
    header("Location: " . $url, true, $statusCode);

// Usage
redirect("", 301);

This function lets you set both the redirect URL and status code while stopping script execution.

Example: Handling POST Redirects

    // Process the form data
    // ...

    // Redirect after POST to prevent form resubmission
    redirect("", 303);

This example shows how to use a 303 redirect after processing a POST request. It prevents accidental form resubmissions when users refresh the page.

Alternative PHP Redirect Techniques

Meta Refresh

Meta refresh is an HTML-based redirect method. It uses a meta tag in the HTML head to tell the browser to reload the page after a set time. Here's how to use it:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

The "0" in the content attribute sets the delay in seconds before the redirect happens. You can change this number to delay the redirect.

Pros of using meta refresh:

  • Works when PHP header redirects fail due to output already being sent
  • Can be used to create a delay before redirecting

Cons of using meta refresh:

  • Not as fast as server-side redirects
  • May not be recognized by all search engines
  • Can be blocked by some browsers
  • Not good for SEO as it's seen as a less reliable way to redirect

Tip: Use Meta Refresh with a Message

When using meta refresh, you can display a message to users before the redirect occurs. This is helpful for informing users about the redirect or providing instructions:

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=">
    <p>You will be redirected to the new page in 5 seconds. If not, <a href="">click here</a>.</p>

JavaScript Redirects

JavaScript redirects are client-side redirect options. They use JavaScript code to change the browser's location. Here's a basic example:

window.location.href = "";

You can also use:


The replace() method is often better as it doesn't add the current page to the browser's history.

When to use JavaScript redirects:

  • When you need to redirect based on client-side events or conditions
  • In single-page applications where you're managing routing on the client side
  • As a backup when server-side redirects aren't possible

However, JavaScript redirects have limits:

  • They don't work if JavaScript is disabled in the browser
  • Search engines may not follow JavaScript redirects as well as server-side redirects
  • They can be slower than server-side redirects as they require the page to load first

While these methods can be useful in some cases, it's usually better to use PHP's header() function for redirects when possible, as it offers better performance and SEO benefits.