How To Redirect A Subdomain To Another Domain Using CNAME Records?

Published September 29, 2024

Problem: Redirecting a Subdomain to Another Domain

Redirecting a subdomain to a different domain can help you organize web content or manage multiple websites. This process often uses CNAME (Canonical Name) records, which are part of the Domain Name System (DNS) and allow one domain name to be an alias for another.

Step-by-Step Solution: Implementing CNAME Redirection

Accessing DNS Management

To start the CNAME redirection process, access your DNS management settings. You can find these in your domain registrar's control panel or hosting provider's dashboard. Look for options like "DNS Management," "Name Servers," or "Zone Editor." Make sure you have the permissions to modify DNS records. You need to be the domain owner or have admin access to make these changes.

Tip: Backup Your DNS Settings

Before making any changes to your DNS records, it's wise to create a backup of your current DNS configuration. This allows you to restore your settings if something goes wrong during the CNAME setup process.

Creating the CNAME Record

When creating a CNAME record, follow this format:

  1. In the "Name" or "Host" field, enter the subdomain you want to redirect (e.g., "blog" for
  2. In the "Type" field, select "CNAME".
  3. In the "Value" or "Points to" field, enter the full domain name of your target (e.g., "").

For example, to redirect to, your CNAME record would look like this:

Name: blog Type: CNAME Value:

Verifying the CNAME Record

After creating the CNAME record, verify its accuracy:

  1. Check the syntax of your entry, making sure there are no typos in the subdomain or target domain.
  2. Confirm that the record is saved in your DNS management interface.
  3. Be aware that DNS changes can take time to spread across the internet. This process, known as DNS propagation, can take from a few minutes to 48 hours. During this time, you might see mixed results when trying to access your redirected subdomain.

Example: Using Command Line Tools to Verify CNAME

You can use command-line tools to check if your CNAME record is set up correctly. Open a terminal and use the 'dig' command:


This will return the CNAME record for your subdomain, allowing you to verify if it points to the correct target domain.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Addressing '400 Bad Request' Errors

When setting up a CNAME redirect, you might get a '400 Bad Request' error. This error can happen for several reasons:

  1. Server setup issues: Check if the target server can handle requests from the redirected subdomain. Look at the server's virtual host setup to make sure it recognizes incoming requests.

  2. SSL certificate issues: If you use HTTPS, check that the SSL certificate on the target domain covers the redirected subdomain.

  3. Wrong CNAME setup: Check your CNAME record to make sure it points to the right target domain.

To fix these issues:

  1. Look at your web server logs to find the cause of the 400 error.
  2. Check your server's setup files for any mistakes.
  3. Make sure the target domain works and can handle incoming requests.

Tip: Using curl for Troubleshooting

Use the curl command to test your CNAME redirect and get detailed information about the request. Run this command in your terminal:

curl -I -L

This will show you the HTTP headers and any redirects, helping you identify where the 400 error occurs in the redirect chain.

Resolving DNS Propagation Delays

DNS propagation is the time it takes for DNS changes to spread across the internet. During this time, some users might see old DNS information while others see updated records.

Important points about DNS propagation:

  1. It can take from a few minutes to 48 hours.
  2. Different DNS servers update at different speeds, causing mixed results during propagation.

To check DNS propagation status:

  1. Use online DNS propagation checker tools like WhatsMyDNS or DNSChecker.
  2. These tools check your DNS records from many locations worldwide, showing you how the propagation is going.

While waiting for DNS changes to spread:

  1. Be patient. Most changes finish within a few hours.
  2. Clear your browser cache and local DNS cache to see if you can access the updated records.
  3. Use a different internet connection or a VPN to test from various places.

DNS propagation is normal when making DNS changes. If problems continue after 48 hours, check your DNS settings and contact your DNS provider for help.

Alternative Solutions for Subdomain Redirection

Using A Records Instead of CNAME

A records (Address records) are another DNS record type for subdomain redirection. Unlike CNAME records that point to a domain name, A records point to an IP address.

A records work like this:

  • Create an A record for your subdomain.
  • Set the A record to point to the IP address of the server hosting the target domain.

Pros of A records:

  • Can be used at the root of a domain, unlike CNAME records.
  • Often have faster resolution times than CNAME records.

Cons of A records:

  • Need manual updates if the IP address of the target server changes.
  • Don't update automatically if the target domain moves to a new server.

Use A records over CNAME when:

  • You need to redirect the root domain.
  • The target server has a static IP address that rarely changes.
  • You want faster DNS resolution times.

Balancing Multiple IPs

When using A records, you can set up multiple IP addresses for load balancing. This allows you to distribute traffic across several servers, improving reliability and performance. For example: IN A IN A IN A

Implementing Server-Side Redirects

Server-side redirects happen on the web server, not at the DNS level. They offer more control over the redirect process.

Common server-side redirection methods:

  • HTTP 301 (Permanent Redirect)
  • HTTP 302 (Temporary Redirect)

Apache configuration example:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect permanent /

Nginx configuration example:

server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

Benefits of server-side redirects:

  • Allow you to redirect to specific pages or paths on the target domain.
  • Let you implement complex redirect rules based on various conditions.
  • Work well with SSL certificates and HTTPS.

Use server-side redirects when you need more control over the redirect process or want to redirect to specific pages on the target domain.