How To Get The Last Inserted Id In Laravel Eloquent?

Published November 14, 2024

Problem: Retrieving Last Inserted ID in Laravel Eloquent

When using Laravel Eloquent, you might need to get the ID of the most recently added record in a database table. This information is useful for tasks like creating relationships or performing actions on the new record.

Laravel Eloquent's Approach to Inserting Data

Laravel Eloquent is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool that makes working with databases in Laravel simple. It provides an object-oriented way to interact with database tables, treating them as PHP objects.

When inserting data, Eloquent uses model instances to represent table rows. Each property of the model matches a column in the database table. To insert a new record, you create a new model instance, set its properties, and call the save() method. Eloquent then converts this object into an SQL insert statement and runs it on the database.

Eloquent handles the insertion process, managing details like timestamps and primary key generation. After a successful insertion, Eloquent updates the model instance with the new record's ID, making it easy to retrieve this information for later use.

Example: Inserting a New User

$user = new User;
$user->name = 'John Doe';
$user->email = '';
$user->password = bcrypt('password');

// The user's ID is now available
echo $user->id;

Retrieving the Last Inserted ID

Using the Model Instance

After inserting a new record using Eloquent, the model instance updates with the new record's ID. Eloquent sets the ID property of the model after insertion. You can access this ID from the model instance.

Here's an example of how to retrieve the last inserted ID:

$company = new Company;
$company->name = 'Acme Corp';
$company->address = '123 Main St';
$company->phone = '555-1234';
$company->email = '';
$company->type = 'Technology';

// Get the last inserted ID
$lastInsertedId = $company->id;

echo "The last inserted ID is: " . $lastInsertedId;

This method is simple and works well in most cases. It's useful when you need the ID right after insertion for other operations.

Tip: Use Mass Assignment for Faster Insertion

When creating a new record, you can use mass assignment to set multiple attributes at once, which can be faster and more concise:

$company = Company::create([
    'name' => 'Acme Corp',
    'address' => '123 Main St',
    'phone' => '555-1234',
    'email' => '',
    'type' => 'Technology'

$lastInsertedId = $company->id;

Remember to set the $fillable property on your model to allow mass assignment for these fields.

Other Methods

Laravel offers other ways to get the last inserted ID:

  1. Using DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId():

    $lastInsertedId = DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId();

    This method works with raw database queries, but it's less reliable in multi-threaded environments.

  2. Using DB::table()->insertGetId():

    $id = DB::table('companies')->insertGetId(
       ['name' => 'Acme Corp', 'address' => '123 Main St']

    This method inserts the record and returns the ID in one step, but it skips Eloquent's model events and attribute casting.

  3. Using the created event:

    Company::created(function ($company) {
       $lastInsertedId = $company->id;

    This method is useful for actions right after a model is created, but it needs event listeners set up.

Each method has its good and bad points:

  • The model instance method is simple and works well with Eloquent's ORM features.
  • DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId() is useful for raw queries but less reliable in complex cases.
  • DB::table()->insertGetId() is fast but skips Eloquent's features.
  • The created event method is flexible but needs more setup.

Choose the method that fits your use case and coding style best.

Implementing the Solution in Your Code

To modify your code and get the last inserted ID, follow these steps:

  1. Update the saveDetailsCompany function:
public function saveDetailsCompany()
    $post = Input::All();

    $data = new Company;
    $data->nombre = $post['name'];
    $data->direccion = $post['address'];
    $data->telefono = $post['phone'];
    $data->email = $post['email'];
    $data->giro = $post['type'];
    $data->fecha_registro = now();
    $data->fecha_modificacion = now();

    if ($data->save()) {
        $lastInsertedId = $data->id;
        return response()->json([
            'success' => true,
            'id' => $lastInsertedId
        ], 200);

    return response()->json(['success' => false], 500);
  1. Use the retrieved ID in your application:

After getting the ID, you can use it to:

  • Create related records
  • Redirect to a page showing the new record
  • Log the creation of the new record
  1. Handle errors:

Add error handling for cases where the insertion fails:

try {
    if ($data->save()) {
        $lastInsertedId = $data->id;
        return response()->json([
            'success' => true,
            'id' => $lastInsertedId
        ], 200);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    return response()->json([
        'success' => false,
        'error' => $e->getMessage()
    ], 500);
  1. Use type hinting for better code clarity:
public function saveDetailsCompany(): JsonResponse
    // ... existing code ...
  1. Validate input data before saving:
$validatedData = $request->validate([
    'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
    'address' => 'required|string|max:255',
    'phone' => 'required|string|max:20',
    'email' => 'required|email|max:255',
    'type' => 'required|string|max:100',

$data = new Company($validatedData);

By following these steps, you can get the last inserted ID and use it in your Laravel application while keeping good coding practices.

Tip: Use Mass Assignment for Efficiency

When creating a new Company instance, you can use mass assignment for a more concise and efficient approach. Make sure to define the fillable attributes in your Company model:

// In your Company model
protected $fillable = ['nombre', 'direccion', 'telefono', 'email', 'giro'];

// In your controller
$data = Company::create([
    'nombre' => $post['name'],
    'direccion' => $post['address'],
    'telefono' => $post['phone'],
    'email' => $post['email'],
    'giro' => $post['type'],
    'fecha_registro' => now(),
    'fecha_modificacion' => now(),

$lastInsertedId = $data->id;

This method allows you to create and save the model in one step, reducing the amount of code needed.

Error Handling and Edge Cases

When getting the last inserted ID in Laravel Eloquent, you may face some issues. It's important to handle these situations to make your application work better.

One issue is when the insertion fails. This can happen due to database constraints, network problems, or other errors. In such cases, the model won't have an ID. To handle this, always check if the save operation worked before trying to access the ID:

if ($data->save()) {
    $lastInsertedId = $data->id;
    // Use the ID
} else {
    // Handle the failure
    Log::error('Failed to save company data');
    return response()->json(['error' => 'Failed to save data'], 500);

Another issue might occur when many insertions happen at the same time. If this happens, you might get a wrong "last inserted ID" if you're using methods like DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId(). To avoid this, use the Eloquent model's ID property, which is specific to the inserted record.

Sometimes, you might try to access the ID before saving the model. This will result in a null value. Always save the model before accessing its ID:

$data = new Company($attributes);
// $data->id is null here
// Now $data->id will have a value

If you're using transactions, make sure to commit the transaction before trying to access the ID. If you rollback the transaction, the ID will be invalid:

DB::transaction(function () use ($attributes) {
    $data = Company::create($attributes);
    // Other operations
    // $data->id is available here
// Make sure to access $data->id after the transaction is committed

To handle unexpected scenarios, use try-catch blocks:

try {
    $data = Company::create($attributes);
    $lastInsertedId = $data->id;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    Log::error('Error inserting company: ' . $e->getMessage());
    return response()->json(['error' => 'An unexpected error occurred'], 500);

Tip: Use Database Transactions for Complex Operations

When performing multiple database operations that depend on each other, wrap them in a database transaction. This ensures that all operations succeed or fail together, maintaining data integrity:

DB::transaction(function () {
    $company = Company::create($attributes);

    return $company->id;
}, 3);  // Retry the transaction up to 3 times

By preparing for these potential issues and using proper error handling, you can make your code more reliable when dealing with last inserted IDs in Laravel Eloquent.

Using the Last Inserted ID

In API Responses

Including the last inserted ID in API responses is helpful. It lets the client know the identifier of the new resource. Here's how to include the ID in JSON responses:

public function store(Request $request)
    $company = Company::create($request->validated());

    return response()->json([
        'message' => 'Company created successfully',
        'id' => $company->id,
        'company' => $company
    ], 201);

Good practices for API design with new inserted IDs:

  1. Use HTTP status code 201 (Created) for successful resource creation.
  2. Include the new resource's URI in the Location header:
return response()->json($data, 201)
    ->header('Location', "/api/companies/{$company->id}");
  1. Keep responses consistent. If you return the ID for creation, do the same for updates and other operations.
  2. Consider returning the full resource object, not just the ID. This saves an extra API call for clients who need more details.

Tip: Versioning API Responses

Include API versioning in your responses to maintain backward compatibility as your API evolves. You can add a version field in your JSON response:

return response()->json([
    'api_version' => '1.0',
    'message' => 'Company created successfully',
    'id' => $company->id,
    'company' => $company
], 201);

In Further Database Operations

The last inserted ID is useful for related insertions or updates. Here's an example of using the ID to create related records:

$company = Company::create($companyData);

    'name' => 'Sales',
    'manager_id' => $managerId


To maintain data integrity with the retrieved ID:

  1. Use database transactions for operations that involve multiple tables:
DB::transaction(function () use ($companyData, $departmentsData) {
    $company = Company::create($companyData);
  1. Use foreign key constraints in your database schema to enforce relationships.

  2. When updating related records, use the ID to make sure you're modifying the correct data:

$company = Company::findOrFail($id);
$company->employees()->update(['company_name' => $company->name]);
  1. Use Eloquent's relationship methods to keep related data consistent:

This approach uses the company's ID automatically, reducing the risk of errors.

By following these practices, you can use the last inserted ID to create good API responses and maintain data integrity in your database operations.