How To Get Current Year In PHP?

Published October 5, 2024

Problem: Getting the Current Year in PHP

Displaying the current year is often needed in web development, especially for copyright notices or date-related functions. PHP has several methods to get and show the current year, but picking the best one can be tricky for developers.

PHP Solution: Getting the Current Year

Using the date() Function

The date() function in PHP is a way to get the current year. This function formats a local date and time, and can return date-related information based on the format string provided.

To get the current year using the date() function, you can use this syntax:

echo date("Y");

In this code, "Y" is the format character that represents a four-digit year (e.g., 2023). The date() function will use the current date and time of the server to generate the output.

Tip: Customize Date Output

You can combine multiple format characters to get more detailed date information. For example, to display the full date in a specific format:

echo date("F j, Y"); // Output: June 15, 2023

Alternative Method: Using the strftime() Function

Another method to get the current year in PHP is the strftime() function. This function formats a local time/date according to locale settings, making it useful for applications that need to display dates in different formats based on regional preferences.

To get the current year using strftime(), you can use this syntax:

echo strftime("%Y");

Here, "%Y" is the format specifier for a four-digit year. Before using strftime(), you may need to set the locale using the setlocale() function if you want to format the date according to a specific region's conventions.

Both date() and strftime() functions work for getting the current year in PHP. The choice between them often depends on whether localization is needed for your application.