How to Fix 'Username Not in the Sudoers File' Error on Linux

Published May 19, 2024

Do you encounter the "username is not in the sudoers file" error when trying to run a command with sudo privileges? In this article, we'll look at two ways to fix this issue and grant the user sudo access.

Quick Fix: Add User to the Sudoers File

To fix the "username is not in the sudoers file" error and grant the user sudo privileges, you can add the username to the sudoers file. Here's a guide:

  1. Open a terminal and log in as a user with sudo privileges or as the root user.

  2. Run this command to edit the sudoers file:

    sudo visudo

    This command opens the sudoers file in a text editor and locks the file, preventing multiple edits.

  3. Go to the end of the file and add this line:

    username ALL=(ALL) ALL

    Replace "username" with the username you want to grant sudo privileges to.

  4. Save the changes and exit the text editor. In the default text editor (nano), press Ctrl+X, then Y, and Enter to save and exit.

Alternative Method: Adding User to Sudo Group

Instead of directly modifying the sudoers file, you can add the user to the sudo group. This method is simpler and has less risk of syntax errors. To add the user to the sudo group, use this command:

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Replace "username" with the username you want to add to the sudo group.


To add the user "jane" to the sudo group, run:

sudo usermod -aG sudo jane

After running this command, "jane" will be in the sudo group and can use sudo to run commands with superuser permissions.

Checking User's Sudo Access

To check if a user has sudo access, you can use the id command to see their group memberships:

id username 

If the user is in the sudo group or has been added to the sudoers file, you should see "sudo" listed in their groups.

Important Considerations

  • Be careful when granting sudo access to users, as it allows them to perform tasks that can modify system files and settings.
  • Only give sudo access to users who need it for their tasks and are trusted.
  • Regularly check and update the list of users with sudo access to keep your system secure.

Understanding the Reason Behind the Error

The sudoers file is a configuration file in Linux systems that controls user permissions for running commands with sudo (superuser do). This file specifies which users or groups are allowed to use sudo and gain root privileges.

When a user tries to run a command with sudo, the system checks the sudoers file to verify if the user has the necessary permissions. If the user is not listed in the file or lacks the proper permissions, the "username is not in the sudoers file" error message appears.

The sudoers file is usually located at /etc/sudoers and should only be modified using the visudo command, which checks for syntax errors and prevents file corruption.

Common Reasons for the Error

  1. User not added to the sudoers file: If the user was recently created or sudo permissions were not granted during user setup, their username won't be in the sudoers file.

  2. User removed from the sudoers file: If the user's sudo permissions were revoked or their entry was accidentally deleted from the sudoers file, they will no longer have sudo access.

  3. User not in the sudo group: Some Linux distributions, like Ubuntu, use a sudo group instead of adding users directly to the sudoers file. If the user is not a member of the sudo group, they won't be able to use sudo.

  4. Syntax errors in the sudoers file: If there are syntax errors or mistakes in the sudoers file, it can prevent sudo from working correctly for all users.

graph TD A[User tries to run sudo command] --> B{Is user in sudoers file?} B -->|Yes| C[Command executed with sudo permissions] B -->|No| D{Is user in sudo group?} D -->|Yes| C[Command executed with sudo permissions] D -->|No| E[Username is not in the sudoers file error]

Example: Adding a User to the sudoers File

To add a user named "john" to the sudoers file, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and run sudo visudo.
  2. Add the following line to the file: john ALL=(ALL) ALL.
  3. Save the file and exit.

Now, the user "john" will have sudo privileges.

Fixing the Error

To solve the "username is not in the sudoers file" error, you need to either add the user to the sudoers file directly or add them to the sudo group, depending on your system's configuration.

Method Command
Add user to sudoers file sudo visudo, then add username ALL=(ALL) ALL
Add user to sudo group sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Always use the visudo command to edit the sudoers file to minimize the risk of syntax errors and ensure sudo permissions are granted correctly.

When you encounter the error message "username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported," it commonly means that the user you are trying to execute commands with does not have the necessary sudo privileges. This error occurs when a system user attempts to run a command using the sudo command without being listed in the sudoers file or being a member of the sudo group.

Add User to sudo Group

Another way to give a user sudo privileges is by adding them to the sudo group. The sudo group is a special group that allows its members to use the sudo command and run commands with superuser permissions.

To add a user to the sudo group, use the usermod command with the -aG options followed by the group name and username:

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Replace username with the actual username you want to add to the sudo group.

For example, to add the user "jane" to the sudo group, run:

sudo usermod -aG sudo jane

After running this command, the user "jane" will be a member of the sudo group and can use the sudo command to run commands with superuser privileges.

Using the sudo group to manage user permissions has several advantages:

Simplified management

Instead of editing the sudoers file for each user, you can add or remove users from the sudo group to give or take away sudo access.


By using the sudo group, you keep a consistent method for giving sudo privileges across multiple users.

Reduced risk of syntax errors

Adding users to the sudo group removes the need to change the sudoers file directly, reducing the risk of syntax errors that could stop sudo from working correctly.

Easier auditing

You can quickly check which users have sudo privileges by listing the members of the sudo group using the command:

grep sudo /etc/group

This command will show a line like:


In the example above, the users "jane", "bob", and "alice" are members of the sudo group and have sudo privileges.

It's important to note that the sudo group may not be available in all Linux distributions. Some systems, like CentOS, use a wheel group instead. Always check your distribution's documentation to find the right group for giving sudo privileges.

For example, in CentOS, you can add a user to the wheel group to give sudo privileges:

sudo usermod -aG wheel username

Modifying the Sudoers File

While adding a user to the sudo group is a simple way to grant sudo privileges, there may be situations where you need to modify the sudoers file. Editing the sudoers file should be done with caution, as syntax errors can cause sudo to stop working.

To edit the sudoers file, you must use a text editor with root privileges. The recommended method is to use the visudo command, which opens the sudoers file in the default text editor and checks for syntax errors when saving changes. To open the sudoers file with visudo, run:

sudo visudo

Once the file is open, you can add a user or group to the sudoers file using the following syntax:

username ALL=(ALL) ALL
%groupname ALL=(ALL) ALL

Replace username with the actual username and groupname with the actual group name you want to grant sudo privileges to.

Example: Granting sudo access to a user

To give the user "john" sudo access, add this line to the sudoers file:

john ALL=(ALL) ALL

This allows the user "john" to run any command with sudo privileges from any host.

Best practices when modifying the sudoers file

  • Always use visudo to edit the sudoers file
  • Double-check the syntax of your changes
  • Limit sudo access to only necessary commands and users
  • Use groups to manage sudo access for multiple users
  • Keep a backup of your sudoers file before making changes

Verifying the Fix

After adding the user to the sudoers file or the sudo group, you should verify that the changes have taken effect and the user can now execute commands with sudo privileges.

Testing sudo access

To check if the user can run sudo commands, switch to their account or log in as the user, then try running a command with sudo, such as:

sudo ls

This command will try to list the contents of the current directory with superuser privileges. If the user has sudo access, the command will execute successfully after the user enters their password. If the user doesn't have sudo privileges, an error message will appear, stating that the user is not in the sudoers file.

Here's an example of testing sudo access for the user "john":

su john
sudo ls

If "john" has sudo privileges, the ls command will run and show the directory contents. If not, an error message like this will appear:

john is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

Checking group memberships

Another way to verify sudo access is by checking the user's group memberships with the groups command:

groups john

If the user has been added to the sudo group, you should see "sudo" in the output:

john : john sudo

This output confirms that the user "john" is in the sudo group and has sudo privileges.

Troubleshooting sudo access issues

If the user still can't use sudo after adding them to the sudoers file or sudo group, check the following:

  • The sudoers file syntax is correct, and there are no mistakes in the user's entry
  • The user has been added to the right group (sudo or wheel, depending on the distribution)
  • The user has logged out and logged back in, or the system has been rebooted for the group changes to take effect

Common sudo error messages and solutions

Error Message Solution
username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. Add the user to the sudoers file or the sudo group.
[sudo] password for username:
username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
The user is not in the sudoers file or the sudo group. Add the user to the right group or file.
Sorry, user username is not allowed to execute '/path/to/command' as root on hostname. The user is in the sudoers file, but their entry does not allow them to run the command. Modify the user's entry in the sudoers file to grant the needed permissions.


To add the user "alice" to the sudo group on an Ubuntu system, use this command:

usermod -aG sudo alice

After running this command, log out and log back in as "alice," then test sudo access:

sudo ls

If the command runs successfully, "alice" now has sudo privileges.