How To Fix The SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long Error?

Published August 3, 2024

Problem: SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long

The SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long error happens when a web browser can't create a secure SSL/TLS connection with a website. This error usually means there's a difference between the expected and received SSL certificate information, often because of server setup problems.

Diagnosing the SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long Issue

When you encounter the SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long error, diagnose the issue by identifying affected browsers and platforms, checking server configuration, and verifying SSL certificate status.

To identify affected browsers and platforms, ask users to access the website using different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge) and devices (desktop computers, smartphones, or tablets). This helps determine if the issue is specific to certain browsers or platforms or if it's a widespread problem.

Check your server configuration. Review your web server settings, focusing on SSL/TLS-related configurations. Make sure your server is set up to handle HTTPS connections and that SSL is enabled. Look for misconfigurations in your virtual host settings or SSL certificate installations.

Verify your SSL certificate status. Check if your SSL certificate is valid, not expired, and installed on your server. Confirm that the certificate is issued by a trusted Certificate Authority and matches your domain name. Make sure you're not using multiple SSL certificates on the same IP address, as this can cause conflicts.

Tip: Use SSL Checker Tools

Use online SSL checker tools to verify your SSL certificate installation and configuration. These tools can help you identify issues with your certificate, such as expiration dates, mismatches, or incorrect installations. Some popular SSL checker tools include SSL Labs, DigiCert SSL Installation Diagnostics Tool, and Qualys SSL Server Test.

By following these steps, you can find the source of the SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long error and take actions to fix it.

Solutions for SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long

Configuring the Virtual Host

Changing the VirtualHost tag in Apache can fix the SSL_Error_Rx_Record_Too_Long error. In your Apache configuration file, update the VirtualHost tag from to default:443>. This change helps Apache handle SSL connections better.

Using default:443 lets Apache respond to all HTTPS requests on port 443, regardless of the hostname. This can stop issues caused by mismatched server names or incorrect SSL setups.

Tip: Test Your Configuration

After making changes to your Apache configuration, always test it before restarting the server. Use the command apache2ctl configtest or httpd -t to check for any syntax errors in your configuration files.

Correct Port Configuration

Check that port 443 is open and enabled on your server for HTTPS connections. Use netstat or ss to see if the port is listening. If not, you may need to update your firewall rules or server settings to allow traffic on port 443.

Look at the ports.conf file in Apache2 to make sure it's set up right. The file should have these lines:

Listen 80
Listen 443 https

This tells Apache to listen for both HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) connections. If these lines are missing or wrong, add or fix them as needed.

Example: Checking Open Ports

To check if port 443 is open and listening, you can use the following command in Linux:

sudo netstat -tuln | grep :443

If the port is open, you should see output similar to:

tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN