How To Fix SSL Certificate And Private Key Mismatch Error?

Published July 22, 2024

Problem: SSL Certificate and Private Key Mismatch

An SSL certificate and private key mismatch error happens when the certificate and its private key don't match. This can stop secure connections and cause problems with website function. The error usually appears when setting up a server or HTTPS.

Solutions to Resolve the SSL Certificate and Private Key Mismatch

Reassembling the certificate chain

To fix the SSL certificate and private key mismatch error, start by reassembling the certificate chain. Put the certificates in the right order. Place your domain's certificate first, then any intermediate certificates, and last the root certificate. Check that each certificate file is formatted correctly, with the right begin and end markers.

Tip: Verify Certificate Order

Use OpenSSL to verify the correct order of your certificate chain. Run the following command:

openssl verify -untrusted intermediate.crt -CAfile root.crt your_domain.crt

If the order is correct, you should see "OK" as the output.

Generating a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

If reassembling the certificate chain doesn't work, try generating a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Create a new private key and use it to generate the CSR. Send this new CSR to your Certificate Authority (CA) to get a new certificate that matches your new private key.

Obtaining a new SSL certificate

If all else fails, you may need to get a new SSL certificate. Contact your Certificate Authority and ask for a reissue of your certificate. When you get the new certificate, follow the installation instructions from your CA or web server documentation carefully to avoid more mismatch errors.