How To Fix Missing Authorization Header In PHP POST Request?

Published October 1, 2024

Problem: Missing Authorization Header in PHP POST Requests

When sending PHP POST requests, a missing Authorization header can stop authentication and access to protected resources. This issue can cause failed API calls or denied access to secure endpoints, breaking the function of web applications.

Diagnosing the Missing Authorization Header

To find the cause of a missing Authorization header in PHP POST requests, check these parts of your system:

  1. Request headers: Use browser developer tools or API testing software to view the headers of your outgoing requests. Confirm the Authorization header is sent correctly.

  2. Server configuration: Check your web server's configuration files for any settings that might affect incoming headers.

  3. PHP script settings: Make sure your script can handle incoming headers. Verify you're using the right functions to get headers and that your script has permission to access header information.

By checking these areas, you can find where the Authorization header is lost or blocked in your request process.

Tip: Use getallheaders() Function

In PHP, you can use the getallheaders() function to retrieve all HTTP headers sent with the current request. This can help you verify if the Authorization header is present:

$headers = getallheaders();
if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) {
    echo "Authorization header: " . $headers['Authorization'];
} else {
    echo "Authorization header is missing";

This code snippet allows you to check if the Authorization header is received by your PHP script.

Solution: Configuring .htaccess to Preserve Authorization Header

The .htaccess method preserves the Authorization header in PHP POST requests. This solution uses Apache's mod_rewrite module to capture the Authorization header and make it available to PHP scripts.

Here's how to implement the fix:

  1. Open or create a .htaccess file in your web root directory.

  2. Add these lines to the file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
  1. Save the .htaccess file.

These lines tell Apache to capture the Authorization header and store it in the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION server variable, which PHP can access.

To test the solution:

  1. Send a POST request with an Authorization header to your PHP script.

  2. In your PHP script, add this code to check for the header:

$auth_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ?? '';
if ($auth_header) {
    echo "Authorization header: " . $auth_header;
} else {
    echo "Authorization header is still missing";
  1. Run the script and check the output. If you see the Authorization header content, the fix has worked.

This .htaccess method fixes the issue for many users without server-level configuration changes.

Tip: Troubleshooting .htaccess Configuration

If the .htaccess solution doesn't work, make sure:

  1. Apache's mod_rewrite module is enabled.
  2. AllowOverride is set to All in your Apache configuration.
  3. The .htaccess file is in the correct directory and has the right permissions.
  4. You've cleared your server's cache after making changes.

Alternative Methods to Retrieve the Authorization Header

Using Apache Module mod_rewrite

Apache's mod_rewrite module is a tool for URL manipulation and header management. It lets you rewrite URLs and change request headers before they reach your PHP script.

To use mod_rewrite for handling the Authorization header:

  1. Check if mod_rewrite is enabled in your Apache configuration.
  2. Add these lines to your .htaccess file or server configuration:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

This setup captures the Authorization header and makes it available as an environment variable for PHP to access.

Tip: Verify mod_rewrite Configuration

To verify if mod_rewrite is enabled and working correctly, you can create a simple test file:

  1. Create a file named test_rewrite.php in your web root.
  2. Add this PHP code to the file:
  1. Access this file through your web browser with an Authorization header.
  2. If you see the Authorization header value, mod_rewrite is working as expected.

Modifying PHP Script to Access Raw Headers

The getallheaders() function in PHP has limits, especially on some server configurations. Here are other ways to access the Authorization header:

  1. Using apache_request_headers(): This function is like getallheaders() but may work when getallheaders() fails:

    $headers = apache_request_headers();
    $auth_header = $headers['Authorization'] ?? '';
  2. Accessing the $_SERVER superglobal: On some setups, the Authorization header is in the $_SERVER superglobal:

    $auth_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ?? '';

    If this doesn't work, try:

    $auth_header = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ?? '';
  3. Reading raw input: As a last option, you can read the raw input stream:

    $headers = getallheaders();
    if (!isset($headers['Authorization'])) {
       $auth_header = '';
       foreach (getallheaders() as $name => $value) {
           if (strtolower($name) === 'authorization') {
               $auth_header = $value;
    } else {
       $auth_header = $headers['Authorization'];

These methods offer other ways to get the Authorization header when standard functions fail due to server configurations or other issues.