How To Fix "Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Of <...> Bytes Exhausted"?

Published October 14, 2024

Problem: Memory Limit Exceeded Error

The "Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Of <...> Bytes Exhausted" happens when a PHP script tries to use more memory than the server allows. This error often occurs when processing large amounts of data or running heavy operations. It shows that the script has reached the memory limit set in the PHP configuration.

Diagnosing the Problem

Identifying the Source of Memory Consumption

To find the cause of memory exhaustion, look at different parts of your system. Analyze your PHP scripts. Look for code that creates large arrays or objects, or loops that don't free up memory. Use tools like Xdebug or PHP's built-in memory_get_usage() function to track memory use in your scripts.

Check your database queries. Large result sets can use a lot of memory. Review your queries, especially those that fetch many rows or columns. Consider using pagination or limiting the number of results returned.

Examine your XML-RPC processes. XML parsing can use a lot of memory, especially with large documents. Look at how you're handling XML data, both when sending and receiving. Consider using streaming parsers for large XML files to reduce memory usage.

Tip: Monitor Memory Usage with PHP

Use PHP's memory_get_usage() function to track memory consumption at different points in your script. Here's a simple example:

$initialMemory = memory_get_usage();

// Your code here

$finalMemory = memory_get_usage();
$memoryUsed = $finalMemory - $initialMemory;

echo "Memory used: " . ($memoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) . " MB";

This helps you identify which parts of your script are using the most memory.

By reviewing these areas, you can find where your system is using too much memory and start working on solutions.

Solutions to Fix Memory Exhaustion

Optimizing Code and Queries

Improving PHP code can reduce memory usage. Review your code for memory-intensive operations and optimize them. Use generators instead of large arrays when processing big datasets. Use unset() to free up variables when they're no longer needed.

Refining database queries can reduce memory consumption. Use LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to paginate results instead of fetching all data at once. Select only the columns you need rather than using SELECT *. Use database cursors for large result sets to process rows one at a time.

Optimizing XML-RPC operations involves improving both the client and server side. On the client side, send smaller chunks of data in each request. On the server side, use streaming XML parsers like XMLReader to process large XML documents without loading the entire file into memory.

Tip: Use Profiling Tools

Use profiling tools like Xdebug or PHP's built-in memory_get_usage() function to identify memory-intensive parts of your code. These tools can help you pinpoint exactly where memory usage spikes, allowing you to focus your optimization efforts more effectively.

Adjusting PHP Configuration

Changing memory_limit in php.ini can give your scripts more memory. Do this carefully and only after optimizing your code. To change the memory limit, find your php.ini file and modify the memory_limit setting:

memory_limit = 256M

Setting memory_limit through .htaccess is an option if you can't access php.ini. Add this line to your .htaccess file:

php_value memory_limit 256M

Increasing the memory limit should be a last step after optimizing your code and queries.

Implementing Data Chunking

Breaking large datasets into smaller chunks can help manage memory usage. Instead of processing all data at once, handle it in smaller pieces. This approach is useful when dealing with large XML files or database results.

Processing data in batches involves working with a limited number of records at a time. For example, when sending sales data, you could process and send 50 sales at a time instead of all at once. This method helps keep memory usage steady and prevents sudden spikes that could cause exhaustion.

$batchSize = 50;
$offset = 0;

while (true) {
    $batch = fetchSalesBatch($batchSize, $offset);
    if (empty($batch)) {
    $offset += $batchSize;

This approach allows you to process large amounts of data without overloading your system's memory.