How To Detect Request Type In PHP?

Published October 9, 2024

Problem: Identifying HTTP Request Types in PHP

Detecting the HTTP request type in PHP is a common task when building web applications. It's useful to tell the difference between GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other request methods to handle incoming data correctly and respond appropriately.

Detecting Request Type Using $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']

Explanation of $_SERVER Superglobal

The $_SERVER superglobal in PHP is an array that contains information about headers, paths, and script locations. It provides access to server and execution environment data, including details about the current HTTP request.

The request method used for the current page request is stored in $_SERVER. You can access it through the 'REQUEST_METHOD' key.

To detect the request type, use this code:

$requestMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

This stores the current request method (e.g., 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE') in the $requestMethod variable. You can use this information to handle different types of requests in your PHP script.

For example, to check if the current request is a POST request, use:

    // Handle POST request

This method is simple and reliable. It doesn't require additional libraries or complex setup. It's a standard way to detect request types in PHP and works across different server environments.

Use Switch for Multiple Request Types

When handling multiple request types, consider using a switch statement for cleaner and more organized code:

    case 'GET':
        // Handle GET request
    case 'POST':
        // Handle POST request
    case 'PUT':
        // Handle PUT request
    case 'DELETE':
        // Handle DELETE request
        // Handle unknown request method

This approach allows you to handle different request types in a structured manner.

Implementation of Request Type Detection

Using Conditional Statements

To implement request type detection in PHP, you can use conditional statements to check for request methods and handle them accordingly. This approach lets you run different code blocks based on the type of HTTP request received.

Here's an example of how to use conditional statements to detect and handle different request types:

$requestMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

if ($requestMethod === 'GET') {
    // Handle GET request
    echo "This is a GET request";
    // Add your GET request handling code here
} elseif ($requestMethod === 'POST') {
    // Handle POST request
    echo "This is a POST request";
    // Add your POST request handling code here
} elseif ($requestMethod === 'PUT') {
    // Handle PUT request
    echo "This is a PUT request";
    // Add your PUT request handling code here
} elseif ($requestMethod === 'DELETE') {
    // Handle DELETE request
    echo "This is a DELETE request";
    // Add your DELETE request handling code here
} else {
    // Handle other request types
    echo "Unsupported request method: $requestMethod";

In this example, we store the request method in the $requestMethod variable. Then, we use if-elseif statements to check for request types and run the right code block.

For each request type, you can add your custom logic to handle the needs of that request. For example, in a GET request, you might retrieve and display data, while in a POST request, you might process form submissions or create new resources.

Remember to include error handling and validation in each code block to manage unexpected inputs or errors that may occur during request processing.

By using conditional statements, you can create a flexible structure for handling different request types in your PHP application.

Tip: Handling AJAX Requests

When dealing with AJAX requests, you can add an extra check to determine if the request is an AJAX call. This allows you to handle AJAX requests differently from regular requests. Here's how you can do it:

$isAjax = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest';

if ($isAjax) {
    // Handle AJAX request
    // You might want to return JSON data instead of HTML
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode(['message' => 'This is an AJAX request']);
} else {
    // Handle regular request
    // Your existing conditional statements for different request methods

This tip helps you create more responsive and dynamic applications by distinguishing between AJAX and regular requests.

Alternative Methods for Request Type Detection

Using PHP Input Streams

PHP input streams let you read raw input data sent to your script. This method is helpful for request types that don't use standard POST data, like PUT or DELETE requests.

To read raw input data, use the php://input stream:

$rawData = file_get_contents('php://input');

This captures the raw request body. For PUT or DELETE requests, you may need to parse this data manually:

$requestMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
$rawData = file_get_contents('php://input');

if ($requestMethod === 'PUT' || $requestMethod === 'DELETE') {
    parse_str($rawData, $putData);
    // Now $putData contains the parsed input

By parsing the raw input, you can extract and use the data sent with PUT or DELETE requests in your PHP application.

Tip: Handling JSON Data

When working with JSON data in PUT or DELETE requests, use json_decode() instead of parse_str():

$requestMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
$rawData = file_get_contents('php://input');

if ($requestMethod === 'PUT' || $requestMethod === 'DELETE') {
    $jsonData = json_decode($rawData, true);
    // Now $jsonData contains the parsed JSON input

This approach allows you to handle JSON payloads in your non-POST requests easily.

Using PHP Frameworks

Many PHP frameworks offer request handling features that simplify detecting and managing different request types.

For example, in Laravel, you can use the Request class:

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

public function handleRequest(Request $request)
    if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
        // Handle POST request
    } elseif ($request->isMethod('put')) {
        // Handle PUT request
    // ... handle other methods

Symfony provides a similar approach with its Request object:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

public function handleRequest(Request $request)
    if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
        // Handle POST request
    } elseif ($request->isMethod('PUT')) {
        // Handle PUT request
    // ... handle other methods

These framework-specific methods often provide features like request validation, middleware support, and easy access to request parameters.

Using a framework can speed up your development process and provide a consistent approach to handling different request types across your application.

Tip: Custom Request Class

If you're not using a framework but want an object-oriented approach, consider creating a custom Request class:

class Request {
    private $method;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

    public function getMethod() {
        return $this->method;

    public function isMethod($method) {
        return $this->method === strtoupper($method);

// Usage
$request = new Request();
if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
    // Handle POST request

This approach encapsulates request-related functionality and can be extended with more methods as needed.