How to Delete an Element from an Array in PHP?

Published May 20, 2024

Using the unset() Function to Remove Array Elements

Removing a Single Element with unset()

The unset() function in PHP deletes an element from an array by its key. To remove a single element, pass the array and the key of the element you want to remove as arguments to the unset() function.

Here's an example that shows how to remove a single element from an array using unset():

$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "grape");

In this example, we have an array called $fruits with four elements. We use the unset() function to remove the third element (index 2) from the array, which is "orange". After removing the element, we use print_r() to display the updated array, which will output:

    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [3] => grape

When using unset() to remove an element, the array's indexes are not reindexed. After removing an element, the array may have gaps in its indexes.

Removing Multiple Elements with unset()

The unset() function also allows you to remove multiple elements from an array by specifying multiple keys. Pass multiple keys as separate arguments to the unset() function to delete multiple elements in a single statement.

Here's an example that demonstrates removing multiple elements from an array using unset():

$numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
unset($numbers[3], $numbers[6], $numbers[8]);

In this example, we have an array $numbers with ten elements. We use the unset() function to remove the fourth element (index 3), the seventh element (index 6), and the ninth element (index 8) from the array. After removing the elements, the updated array will be:

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [4] => 5
    [5] => 6
    [7] => 8
    [9] => 10

The unset() function removes the specified elements from the array, leaving the remaining elements intact. The array's indexes are not reindexed automatically.

Function Description
unset() Removes an element from an array by its key
unset($array[key]) Removes a single element from an array
unset($array[key1], $array[key2], ...) Removes multiple elements from an array

Removing Elements from an Array Using array_splice()

Deleting Elements with array_splice()

The array_splice() function in PHP lets you remove elements from an array by specifying the starting index and the number of elements to remove. This function changes the original array and returns the removed elements as a new array.

Here's an example that shows how to use array_splice() to remove elements from an array:

$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "grape", "kiwi");
$removed_fruits = array_splice($fruits, 2, 2);

In this example, we have an array $fruits with five elements. We use array_splice() to remove two elements starting from index 2 (the third element). The first parameter specifies the array, the second parameter is the starting index, and the third parameter is the number of elements to remove.

After using array_splice(), the $fruits array will contain the remaining elements:

    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => kiwi

The removed elements are returned as a new array, which is stored in the $removed_fruits variable:

    [0] => orange
    [1] => grape

Reindexing the Array After Using array_splice()

It's important to note that array_splice() automatically reindexes the array after removing elements. The remaining elements are shifted to fill the gaps created by the removed elements, and the array's indexes are updated.

Here's an example that shows the reindexing behavior of array_splice():

$numbers = array(5, 10, 15, 20, 25);
array_splice($numbers, 1, 3);

In this example, we remove three elements starting from index 1 (the second element) from the $numbers array using array_splice(). After removing the elements, the array is reindexed:

    [0] => 5
    [1] => 25

The remaining elements are shifted to fill the gaps, and the array's indexes are updated.


  1. Managing a todo list: Suppose you have an array representing a todo list, and you want to remove completed tasks from the list. You can use array_splice() to remove the completed tasks by specifying their indexes.

    $todo_list = array("Buy groceries", "Finish project", "Call client", "Attend meeting");
    $completed_tasks = array(1, 3);
    foreach ($completed_tasks as $index) {
       array_splice($todo_list, $index, 1);


       [0] => Buy groceries
       [1] => Call client
  2. Removing duplicate elements: If you have an array with duplicate elements and you want to remove the duplicates, you can use array_splice() with array_unique() to do this.

    $numbers = array(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5);
    $unique_numbers = array_unique($numbers);
    $duplicate_indexes = array_diff_key($numbers, $unique_numbers);
    foreach ($duplicate_indexes as $index => $value) {
       array_splice($numbers, $index, 1);


       [0] => 1
       [1] => 2
       [2] => 3
       [4] => 4
       [6] => 5
Function Description
array_splice() Removes elements from an array and returns them as a new array
array_splice($array, $start, $length) Removes $length elements from $array starting at index $start
$removed_elements = array_splice($array, $start, $length) Assigns the removed elements to $removed_elements

Removing Elements from an Associative Array

Deleting Elements from an Associative Array with unset()

In PHP, you can remove elements from an associative array using the unset() function by specifying the key of the element you want to delete. The unset() function removes the key-value pair from the array.

Here's an example that shows how to remove an element from an associative array using unset():

$person = array(
    "name" => "John",
    "age" => 30,
    "city" => "New York",
    "country" => "USA"



In this example, we have an associative array called $person that represents a person's information. Each key-value pair in the array matches a specific attribute of the person.

To remove the "city" element from the $person array, we use the unset() function and pass the array variable followed by the key in square brackets: unset($person["city"]). This removes the key-value pair where the key is "city".

After removing the element, the print_r() function is used to show the updated $person array:

    [name] => John
    [age] => 30
    [country] => USA

As you can see, the "city" element has been removed from the array, and the remaining key-value pairs are kept.

It's important to note that when you remove an element from an associative array using unset(), the array's structure stays the same. The keys of the remaining elements are not changed, and no reindexing happens.

You can remove multiple elements from an associative array by specifying multiple keys in separate unset() statements:

unset($person["age"], $person["country"]);

This statement removes both the "age" and "country" elements from the $person array.

Using unset() is an easy way to remove elements from an associative array when you know the specific keys you want to delete.

Function Description
unset() Removes an element from an associative array by its key
unset($array[key]) Removes the key-value pair from $array where the key is specified

Example: Removing a Product from a Shopping Cart

Suppose you have an online shopping cart implemented as an associative array, where each key represents a product ID and the matching value represents the quantity of that product in the cart. If a user decides to remove a product from their cart, you can use unset() to remove the matching key-value pair.

$shoppingCart = array(
    "item1" => 2,
    "item2" => 1,
    "item3" => 3




    [item1] => 2
    [item3] => 3

In this example, the "item2" product is removed from the $shoppingCart array using unset().

Example: Removing a User from a User Database

Consider a case where you have a user database stored as an associative array, with user IDs as keys and user information as values. If you need to remove a user from the database, you can use unset() to delete the matching key-value pair.

$userDatabase = array(
    "user1" => array("name" => "John", "email" => ""),
    "user2" => array("name" => "Jane", "email" => ""),
    "user3" => array("name" => "Bob", "email" => "")




    [user1] => Array
            [name] => John
            [email] =>

    [user3] => Array
            [name] => Bob
            [email] =>

In this example, the user with the ID "user2" is removed from the $userDatabase array using unset().

Using array_diff() to Remove Elements from an Array

Creating a New Array without Specific Elements

PHP's array_diff() function creates a new array that contains all the elements from the first array that are not present in any of the other arrays passed as parameters. This function can remove elements from an array by creating a new array without the specified elements.

Here's an example that shows how to use array_diff() to remove elements from an array:

$original_array = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "grape", "kiwi");
$elements_to_remove = array("banana", "grape");
$new_array = array_diff($original_array, $elements_to_remove);

In this example, we have an array called $original_array that contains five elements. We also have another array $elements_to_remove that specifies the elements we want to remove from $original_array.

We use the array_diff() function to create a new array $new_array that contains all the elements from $original_array that are not present in $elements_to_remove. The first parameter of array_diff() is the original array, and the second parameter is the array of elements to remove.

After running this code, the $new_array will contain the following elements:

    [0] => apple
    [2] => orange
    [4] => kiwi

The array_diff() function removed the "banana" and "grape" elements from $original_array and returned a new array with the remaining elements.

It's important to note that array_diff() compares the values of the arrays, not the keys. The resulting array will have new numeric keys starting from zero, even if the original array had string or non-sequential keys.

You can also use array_diff() with multiple arrays to remove elements present in any of the other arrays:

$array1 = array("a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "cherry");
$array2 = array("a" => "apple", "b" => "blueberry", "d" => "date");
$array3 = array("a" => "apricot", "b" => "banana", "e" => "elderberry");
$result = array_diff($array1, $array2, $array3);

In this example, array_diff() compares $array1 with $array2 and $array3 and returns a new array containing the elements from $array1 that are not present in either $array2 or $array3:

    [c] => cherry

The array_diff() function can be very useful when you need to filter an array based on specific values without changing the original array. It gives you the flexibility to generate a new array with only the desired elements.

Function Description
array_diff() Creates a new array that contains elements from the first array that are not present in any of the other arrays
$result = array_diff($array1, $array2, ...) Assigns the resulting array to $result

Example: Filtering a List of Email Addresses

Suppose you have a list of email addresses and you want to remove specific email addresses from the list. You can use array_diff() to create a new array without the specified email addresses.

$email_list = array("", "", "", "");
$blocked_emails = array("", "");
$filtered_emails = array_diff($email_list, $blocked_emails);


    [0] =>
    [3] =>

In this example, array_diff() is used to filter the $email_list array by removing the email addresses specified in the $blocked_emails array. The resulting $filtered_emails array contains only the email addresses that are not blocked.

Example: Comparing Two Arrays and Finding the Differences

If you have two arrays and you want to find the elements that are present in the first array but not in the second array, you can use array_diff().

$array1 = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "grape");
$array2 = array("banana", "kiwi", "pear");
$diff = array_diff($array1, $array2);


    [0] => apple
    [2] => orange
    [3] => grape

Here, array_diff() compares $array1 with $array2 and returns a new array $diff that contains the elements from $array1 that are not present in $array2. This is useful when you want to find the unique elements in one array compared to another.

Removing the First or Last Element from an Array in PHP

Removing the Last Element with array_pop()

The array_pop() function in PHP removes the last element from an array and returns the value of the removed element. This function changes the original array by removing the last element and shortening the array by one element.

Here's an example that shows how to remove the last element from an array using array_pop():

$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "grape");
$removed_fruit = array_pop($fruits);
echo "Removed fruit: " . $removed_fruit . "\n";

In this example, we have an array $fruits with four elements. We use the array_pop() function to remove the last element from the array. The removed element is stored in the $removed_fruit variable.

After running this code, the output will be:

Removed fruit: grape
    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => orange

The array_pop() function removed the last element "grape" from the $fruits array and returned its value. The $fruits array is then printed using print_r(), showing that it now contains only three elements.

It's important to note that array_pop() returns the value of the removed element, which you can store in a variable or use directly. If the array is empty, array_pop() returns null.

Example: Tracking Recent User Actions

Let's say you want to keep track of the most recent actions performed by a user, with a limit on the number of actions to store. You can use array_pop() to remove the oldest action when the limit is exceeded.

$recentActions = array();
$maxActions = 5;

function addRecentAction($action) {
    global $recentActions, $maxActions;

    if (count($recentActions) >= $maxActions) {

    array_unshift($recentActions, $action);

addRecentAction("Logged in");
addRecentAction("Viewed profile");
addRecentAction("Updated settings");
addRecentAction("Submitted form");
addRecentAction("Logged out");
addRecentAction("Logged in");



    [0] => Logged in
    [1] => Logged out
    [2] => Submitted form
    [3] => Updated settings
    [4] => Viewed profile

In this example, the addRecentAction() function is used to add new actions to the $recentActions array. If the number of actions exceeds the $maxActions limit, array_pop() is used to remove the oldest action from the end of the array. This way, only the most recent actions are kept, and the older ones are discarded.

Removing the First Element with array_shift()

Similar to array_pop(), the array_shift() function removes the first element from an array and returns the value of the removed element. This function also changes the original array by removing the first element and shifting all the remaining elements to fill the gap.

Here's an example that demonstrates removing the first element from an array using array_shift():

$numbers = array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);
$removed_number = array_shift($numbers);
echo "Removed number: " . $removed_number . "\n";

In this example, we have an array $numbers with five elements. We use the array_shift() function to remove the first element from the array. The removed element is stored in the $removed_number variable.

After running this code, the output will be:

Removed number: 10
    [0] => 20
    [1] => 30
    [2] => 40
    [3] => 50

The array_shift() function removed the first element "10" from the $numbers array and returned its value. The $numbers array is then printed using print_r(), showing that it now contains the remaining four elements, with their indexes shifted accordingly.

Like array_pop(), array_shift() returns the value of the removed element. If the array is empty, array_shift() returns null.

Example: Processing a Queue

Suppose you have a queue of tasks represented as an array, and you want to process the tasks in the order they were added. You can use array_shift() to remove and retrieve the first task from the queue.

$taskQueue = array("Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3", "Task 4");

while (!empty($taskQueue)) {
    $currentTask = array_shift($taskQueue);
    echo "Processing task: " . $currentTask . "\n";
    // Perform task processing here


Processing task: Task 1
Processing task: Task 2
Processing task: Task 3
Processing task: Task 4

In this example, array_shift() is used to remove and retrieve the first task from the $taskQueue array in each iteration of the loop. This allows processing the tasks in the order they were added to the queue.

Function Description
array_pop() Removes the last element from an array and returns its value
array_shift() Removes the first element from an array, shifts the remaining elements, and returns the value of the removed element