How To Debug A Non-Working .htaccess RewriteRule?

Published September 14, 2024

Problem: Troubleshooting .htaccess RewriteRule Issues

Fixing non-working .htaccess RewriteRules can be difficult. These rules are important for URL rewriting and redirects. When they don't work as expected, they can cause broken links or incorrect page routing on a website.

Verifying if Apache is Reading the .htaccess File

Testing .htaccess Functionality

To check if Apache is reading your .htaccess file, you can add invalid syntax to the file. This method helps you confirm that Apache is processing the file.

Add a random string of characters, like "foo bar" or "abcdefg", into your .htaccess file. Put this text near the top of the file, after the "RewriteEngine On" directive if it's present.

After adding the invalid syntax, try to access your website. If Apache is reading the .htaccess file, you should see a 500 Internal Server Error. This error shows that Apache found an issue while processing the file, confirming that it's being read.

If you don't see a 500 error, it might mean that Apache is not reading your .htaccess file. In this case, you'll need to check your Apache configuration to make sure it's set up to use .htaccess files.

Remember to remove the invalid syntax after testing to restore your website's normal function.

Tip: Check Apache Configuration

If Apache is not reading your .htaccess file, verify that the AllowOverride directive is set to All in your Apache configuration. This setting allows .htaccess files to override server configurations. You can usually find this in your httpd.conf or apache2.conf file:

<Directory /path/to/your/website>
    AllowOverride All

After making changes, restart Apache for the new settings to take effect.

Apache Using the .htaccess File

Configuring Apache to Read .htaccess

To make Apache use your .htaccess file, you need to set it up correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. Find the Apache configuration file: The main Apache configuration file is usually named httpd.conf or apache2.conf. On most Linux systems, it's in /etc/apache2/ or /etc/httpd/. On Windows, it's often in the Apache installation directory.

  2. Enable the rewrite module: Look for this line in the configuration file:

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

    If the line starts with #, remove the # to enable the module.

  3. Set AllowOverride directive: Find the section for your website's root directory. In this section, set the AllowOverride directive to All:

    <Directory /path/to/your/website>
       AllowOverride All

    This allows .htaccess files to override server configurations.

After making these changes, save the configuration file and restart Apache. On most Linux systems, restart Apache with:

sudo service apache2 restart


sudo systemctl restart apache2

By following these steps, you can make Apache read and use your .htaccess file, allowing your RewriteRules to work as intended.

Tip: Check .htaccess Permissions

Make sure your .htaccess file has the correct permissions. Apache needs to be able to read the file, but for security reasons, it shouldn't be writable by the web server. Set the file permissions to 644 (owner can read and write, group and others can only read) using this command:

chmod 644 .htaccess

Debugging RewriteRule Issues

Enabling Rewrite Logging

To debug RewriteRule issues, you can enable rewrite logging in Apache. The process is different for Apache 2.2 and 2.4.

For Apache 2.2:

  1. Add these lines to your virtual host configuration:
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteLog "/path/to/rewrite.log"
    RewriteLogLevel 9
  2. The RewriteLogLevel goes from 0 (no logging) to 9 (full logging).
  3. Restart Apache to apply the changes.

For Apache 2.4:

  1. The RewriteLog directive is not used.
  2. Add this line to your configuration:
    LogLevel debug rewrite:trace8
  3. This sets the logging level for the rewrite module to debug.
  4. Restart Apache to apply the changes.

Analyzing Rewrite Logs

Understanding log levels:

  • Lower levels (1-4) give basic information about rule matches and actions.
  • Higher levels (5-9) give more details, including steps in the rewriting process.

Reading log entries:

  1. Look for lines starting with "RewriteRule" or "RewriteCond" to see which rules are being applied.
  2. Check the "pattern" and "substitution" parts of each rule to see if they match what you expect.
  3. Look at [flags] at the end of rules, as they can change how the rule is applied.
  4. Find lines showing successful matches or failed conditions to see where rules might be failing.

Set the log level back to a lower value after debugging, as high log levels can affect server performance.

Tip: Use RewriteRule Testing Tools

Online tools like can help you test and debug RewriteRules without changing your server setup. These tools let you input your rules and test URLs, showing you how the rewriting process works step-by-step.