How to Create Subdomains with .htaccess?

Published July 9, 2024

Problem: Creating Subdomains with .htaccess

Website owners often need to create subdomains to organize their content or offer different services. While many hosting control panels have tools for this, some situations require manual subdomain creation using .htaccess files. This approach can be difficult for those unfamiliar with server configuration, leading to the question of how to create subdomains using .htaccess.

Creating Subdomains with .htaccess

Step 1: DNS Configuration

To create subdomains using .htaccess, set up a wildcard DNS entry. This entry allows your domain to handle all subdomains without creating individual DNS records for each one. Add an A record with an asterisk (*) as the subdomain, pointing to your server's IP address. For example:

* IN A

DNS is important in subdomain creation as it directs traffic to the correct server. Without proper DNS configuration, your subdomains won't be accessible.

Tip: Verify DNS Propagation

After setting up your wildcard DNS entry, use online DNS lookup tools to verify the propagation. This can take up to 48 hours, but often happens much faster. Checking ensures your DNS changes are live before proceeding with the next steps.

Step 2: Apache Configuration

Configure your Apache server to handle subdomains. Edit your Virtual Host configuration file to include a ServerAlias directive that matches the wildcard DNS entry:

:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/www/

This configuration tells Apache to process requests for all subdomains of your main domain.

Step 3: .htaccess Implementation

Use .htaccess to manage subdomain behavior. Create or edit the .htaccess file in your website's root directory. Add rewrite rules to handle subdomain requests:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.+)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/subdomains/ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /subdomains/%1/$1 [L]

This rule redirects requests for subdomains to specific folders within your website's structure. For example, a request to would be directed to /subdomains/blog/.

Verifying Subdomain Creation

Testing Subdomain Functionality

After setting up subdomains using .htaccess, you need to check if they work correctly. Here are some ways to test subdomain functionality:

  1. Browser Testing: Open a web browser and enter the full subdomain URL (e.g., If the subdomain is set up correctly, you should see the expected content.

  2. Command Line Tools: Use tools like 'ping' or 'nslookup' to check if the subdomain resolves to the correct IP address. For example:

  3. Online DNS Checkers: Use online DNS propagation checkers to verify that your subdomain DNS records are visible across different DNS servers worldwide.

  4. File System Check: Check that the subdomain's content is in the correct directory on your server, as specified in your .htaccess rules.

If you have issues, here are some common problems and solutions:

  1. DNS Propagation: If the subdomain doesn't work right away, wait for DNS changes to spread. This can take up to 48 hours, but often happens faster.

  2. .htaccess Syntax Errors: Check your .htaccess file for syntax errors. You can use online .htaccess testers or enable Apache's error logging for more details.

  3. Apache Configuration: Check that your Apache configuration allows .htaccess overrides. Check your virtual host configuration for the "AllowOverride" directive.

  4. File Permissions: Make sure your web server has the necessary permissions to read the .htaccess file and access the subdomain's content directory.

  5. SSL Certificate Issues: If using HTTPS, your SSL certificate might not cover the new subdomain. Consider using a wildcard SSL certificate or getting a new certificate that includes the subdomain.