How To Create Custom Helper Functions In Laravel?

Published October 25, 2024

Problem: Creating Custom Helper Functions in Laravel

Laravel has many built-in helper functions, but you may need to create your own custom helpers. Custom helper functions can make your code simpler, easier to read, and less repetitive in Laravel applications. However, you might not know how to create and use these custom helpers.

Creating a Helper File

Step 1: Create a helpers.php File

To use custom helper functions in Laravel, create a new file called helpers.php. Place this file in the app directory of your Laravel project. This file will store all your custom helper functions in one place, making them easy to manage.

Step 2: Add Helper Functions

After creating the helpers.php file, you can add your custom helper functions. Here's an example of a simple helper function:

if (!function_exists('format_text')) {
    function format_text($text) {
        return ucfirst(strtolower($text));

This function takes a string input, changes it to lowercase, and capitalizes the first letter.

When naming your helper functions, follow these practices:

  1. Use clear names that explain what the function does.
  2. Use lowercase letters and underscores for function names (snake_case).
  3. Avoid names that might clash with existing PHP or Laravel functions.
  4. Group related functions together in the file for better organization.

By following these steps and practices, you can create a helper file with custom functions that improve your Laravel application's code structure and readability.

Tip: Load Your Helper File

To make your custom helper functions available throughout your Laravel application, you need to load the helpers.php file. Add the following line to your composer.json file under the "autoload" section:

"files": [

After adding this line, run composer dump-autoload in your terminal to update the autoloader.

Registering Helper Functions

Method 1: Using composer.json

To register your helper functions using the composer.json file:

  1. Open your project's composer.json file.
  2. Find the "autoload" section.
  3. Add a "files" array if it's not there.
  4. Add the path to your helpers.php file:
"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/"
    "files": [

After editing the composer.json file, run this command in your terminal:

composer dump-autoload

This command updates the Composer autoloader, making your helper functions available in your Laravel application.

Multiple Helper Files

You can register multiple helper files in the "files" array. This is useful for organizing helpers by category:

"autoload": {
    "files": [

Method 2: Using Service Provider

You can also register helper functions using a service provider:

  1. Create a new service provider:
php artisan make:provider HelperServiceProvider
  1. Open the new provider file in app/Providers/HelperServiceProvider.php.

  2. Add this code to the register method:

public function register()
    require_once app_path('helpers.php');
  1. Register the new service provider in config/app.php:
'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...

This method loads your helper functions when the application starts, making them available in your Laravel application.

Implementing Helper Functions

Using Helper Functions in Views

After you create and register your helper functions, you can use them in your Blade templates. Here's how to use a custom helper function in a view:

<p>{{ format_text($user->name) }}</p>

This example uses the format_text helper function to format the user's name. The function runs when the view renders, applying the formatting to the user's name.

You can use helper functions anywhere in your Blade templates, including in control structures:

    <p>Welcome, Admin!</p>

This example uses a custom is_admin helper function that checks if a user is an admin.

Tip: Chaining Helper Functions

You can chain multiple helper functions together for more complex operations:

{{ format_currency(calculate_total($order->items)) }}

This example first calculates the total of order items using a calculate_total helper, then formats the result as currency using a format_currency helper.

Using Helper Functions in Controllers

Helper functions are also available in your controllers. You can use them like any other PHP function. Here's an example in a controller method:

public function show($id)
    $user = User::findOrFail($id);
    $formattedName = format_text($user->name);

    return view('user.profile', [
        'user' => $user,
        'formattedName' => $formattedName

This example uses the format_text helper function to format the user's name before passing it to the view. This keeps your controller code clean and reusable.

You can also use helper functions within other methods in your controller:

public function index()
    $users = User::all();
    $adminUsers = $users->filter(function($user) {
        return is_admin($user);

    return view('users.index', compact('users', 'adminUsers'));

This example uses a custom is_admin helper function to filter a collection of users.

By using helper functions in views and controllers, you can keep consistent logic across your application, reduce code duplication, and improve code readability.