How To Create A Cron Expression That Excludes Saturdays And Sundays?

Published August 31, 2024

Problem: Scheduling Tasks on Weekdays Only

Creating a cron expression that excludes weekends can be tricky. The aim is to set up a schedule that runs tasks on weekdays while skipping Saturdays and Sundays.

Creating a Cron Expression for Weekdays

Breakdown of a Weekday-Specific Cron Expression

Cron expressions use a syntax to define when tasks should run. The format has five fields: minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week. For a weekday-specific expression, we focus on the day of the week field, which is the last field in the cron syntax.

The day of the week field uses values from 0 to 7, where 0 and 7 represent Sunday. To exclude weekends, we need to specify the values for Monday through Friday, which are 1 through 5.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting the Expression

To create a cron expression that runs on weekdays only, follow these steps:

  1. Start with the basic structure: *
  2. Choose the minute and hour for the task to run. For example, to run at midnight, use: 0 0 *
  3. Keep the day of the month and month fields as asterisks (*) to run every day of every month.
  4. In the day of the week field, use 1-5 to include only Monday through Friday.

The resulting expression would be: 0 0 1-5

This cron expression will run the task at midnight (00:00) on every weekday, excluding Saturdays and Sundays.

Tip: Using Cron Shorthand

You can also use the @weekday shorthand in some cron implementations to schedule a job to run every weekday. The equivalent expression would be:


This shorthand automatically translates to "0 0 1-5", running the task at midnight on weekdays.

The Solution: A Weekday-Only Cron Expression

The Correct Cron Expression

The correct cron expression for scheduling tasks on weekdays only is:

0 0 1-5

Here's what each part of this expression means:

0: Sets the minute field to 0, meaning the task will run at the start of the hour. 0: Sets the hour field to 0, indicating midnight (12:00 AM). : This asterisk in the day of the month field means the task will run every day of the month. : This asterisk in the month field means the task will run every month. 1-5: Specifies the days of the week from Monday (1) to Friday (5).

This expression schedules a task to run at midnight on every weekday, excluding Saturdays and Sundays.

Tip: Adjust the Time

You can modify the first two fields to change the time of execution. For example, to run the task at 2:30 PM on weekdays, use: 30 14 1-5

Validating the Cron Expression

To make sure your cron expression works as intended, you can:

Use online cron expression validators: Enter your expression into a cron expression validator website. Check the next run dates to confirm they fall only on weekdays.

Test on a local system: Set up a simple script that logs the current date and time. Schedule it with your cron expression. Monitor the logs over a week to verify it runs only on weekdays.

Use the 'date' command: Run 'date -d "next 1-5"' in a Unix-like terminal. This shows the next weekday date, helping you check if your expression aligns with the expected schedule.

Set up monitoring: Use a monitoring tool to track when your cron job runs. Review the execution history to confirm it only runs on weekdays.