How To Create A Cron Expression That Excludes Saturday And Sunday?

Published September 1, 2024

Problem: Scheduling Tasks on Weekdays Only

Creating a cron expression that excludes weekends can be tricky. This task requires setting up a schedule that runs only on weekdays, skipping Saturdays and Sundays.

Creating a Cron Expression for Weekdays Only

The Weekday-Only Cron Pattern

The cron pattern "0 0 1-5" is used to schedule tasks on weekdays only. Here's what each field in this expression means:

  • 0: The minute (0-59)
  • 0: The hour (0-23)
  • *: Any day of the month (1-31)
  • *: Any month (1-12)
  • 1-5: Monday through Friday

This pattern runs a task at midnight (00:00) on every weekday.

Customizing the Time and Frequency

You can change the hour and minute fields to adjust when your weekday tasks run. Here are some examples:

  • "30 9 1-5": Runs at 9:30 AM on weekdays
  • "0 /2 * 1-5": Runs every 2 hours on weekdays
  • "15,45 * 1-5": Runs at 15 and 45 minutes past every hour on weekdays

You can also set multiple days:

  • "0 12 1,3,5": Runs at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Test your cron expressions to make sure they work as you expect in your environment.

Tip: Using Online Cron Expression Validators

To check if your cron expression is correct, use online cron expression validators. These tools help you visualize when your tasks will run and catch any mistakes in your syntax. Some popular options include and