How To Change The Default Port For Nginx?

Published July 24, 2024

Problem: Changing Nginx's Default Port

Nginx uses port 80 for HTTP traffic by default. Sometimes, you may need to change this port, such as when running multiple web servers or for security reasons.

Modifying the Nginx Configuration

Changing the Port in the Server Block

To change Nginx's port, modify the 'listen' directive in the server block. Find the server block in your configuration file. The 'listen' directive is usually near the top of this block.

To change the port, replace the current port number with your desired port. For example, to change from port 80 to port 8080, modify the line to:

listen 8080;

For IPv6 addresses, use square brackets:

listen [::]:8080;

You can specify both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses:

listen 8080;
listen [::]:8080;

Port Selection Tip

Choose a port number above 1024 for non-root users. Ports below 1024 are reserved for system processes and require root privileges to bind.

Testing the New Configuration

After changing the Nginx configuration port, test the new setup to make sure it works. Follow these steps:

  1. Check the syntax of the modified configuration file: Run this command to verify your changes:

    nginx -t

    If there are no errors, you'll see a message showing the test is successful.

  2. Reload Nginx to apply changes: If the syntax check passes, reload Nginx:

    sudo systemctl reload nginx

    Or, if you're using a different init system:

    sudo service nginx reload
  3. Verify the new port is active and responding: Use a web browser or curl to check if Nginx is listening on the new port:

    curl http://localhost:8080

    Replace 8080 with your chosen port number. If Nginx works, you should see the default Nginx welcome page or your website content.

You can also use the netstat command to check if Nginx is listening on the new port:

sudo netstat -tuln | grep :8080

This command will show if a process (Nginx) is listening on port 8080.

If you have issues during testing, review your configuration changes and check the Nginx error logs for more information.

Tip: Troubleshooting Port Conflicts

If Nginx fails to start on the new port, check if another application is using it. Use the following command to identify processes using a specific port:

sudo lsof -i :8080

Replace 8080 with your chosen port number. If a process is using the port, you'll need to either stop that process or choose a different port for Nginx.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Address Already in Use Error

When changing Nginx's port, you might get an "Address already in use" error. This occurs when another service uses the port you want for Nginx. To fix this:

  1. Find conflicting services: Use netstat or ss to check which process uses the port:

    sudo netstat -tuln | grep :8080


    sudo ss -tuln | grep :8080

    Replace 8080 with your desired port number.

  2. Stop or change conflicting applications: If you find a conflict, you can:

    • Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop service_name
    • Change the service to use a different port
  3. Check port usage: After fixing conflicts, verify the port is free:

    sudo netstat -tuln | grep :8080

    If the port is free, you'll see no output.

Firewall Configuration

After changing Nginx's port, update your firewall rules to allow traffic on the new port:

  1. For UFW:

    sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp
  2. For iptables:

    sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
  3. If you use SELinux, update its settings:

    sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8080

Replace 8080 with your chosen port number in these commands.

After updating firewall rules, reload your firewall configuration to apply the changes.

Tip: Temporary Firewall Disable

If you still have issues after updating firewall rules, you can turn off the firewall to test if it's causing the problem. Remember to turn it on after testing:

sudo ufw disable  # For UFW
sudo systemctl stop firewalld  # For firewalld

Alternative Methods for Port Change

Using Include Files for Port Configuration

You can manage port settings by creating separate configuration files. This method allows for easier maintenance of your Nginx setup.

  1. Create a new file for port settings:

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/ports.conf
  2. Add your port configuration to this file:

    server {
       listen 8080;
       # Other server block settings
  3. In your main Nginx configuration file, include the new file:

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/ports.conf;

This approach lets you modify port settings without changing the main configuration file.

Tip: Version Control for Configuration Files

Store your Nginx configuration files, including the separate port configuration file, in a version control system like Git. This allows you to track changes, revert if needed, and collaborate with team members more easily.

Utilizing Environment Variables

Using environment variables for port numbers adds flexibility to your Nginx configuration, especially in containerized environments.

  1. Set an environment variable for your port:

    export NGINX_PORT=8080
  2. Modify your Nginx configuration to use this variable:

    server {
       listen ${NGINX_PORT};
       # Other server block settings
  3. Start Nginx with the environment variable:

    nginx -g 'daemon off;'

This method allows you to change the port without modifying the configuration file, which is useful for deployments across different environments.

Example: Using Environment Variables in Docker

FROM nginx:latest
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

In this Docker example, the NGINX_PORT environment variable is set in the Dockerfile, allowing for easy port configuration when building or running the container.

Remember to test your configuration after making these changes to make sure everything works as expected.