How To Capture Var_Dump Output To A String?

Published October 20, 2024

Problem: Capturing var_dump Output

Capturing the output of PHP's var_dump function as a string can be difficult. Sometimes, developers need to store the output for processing or logging instead of displaying it directly.

Solution: Using Output Buffering

Steps to capture var_dump output

Output buffering is a technique to capture the output of var_dump in PHP. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Start output buffering: Use the ob_start() function to begin buffering the output.

  2. Execute var_dump: Call var_dump() with the variable you want to inspect.

  3. Capture and store the output: Use ob_get_clean() to get the buffered content and stop output buffering.

Here's a code example that shows this process:

$output = ob_get_clean();

After running this code, the $output variable will contain the string representation of the var_dump result. You can then use this string for processing, logging, or storing as needed.

This method works with any variable type. It's useful when you need the exact output that var_dump provides, including type information and structure details for complex variables like arrays and objects.

Tip: Formatting the captured output

To improve readability of the captured var_dump output, you can use the nl2br() function to convert newlines to HTML line breaks:

$formatted_output = nl2br($output);

This makes the output more readable when displayed in a web browser.

Alternative Solution: var_export Function

Using var_export as an alternative

The var_export function offers another method to capture variable information as a string in PHP. Here's how it works:

  • var_export takes two parameters: the variable to export and a boolean flag.
  • When the second parameter is set to true, var_export returns the output as a string instead of printing it.
  • The function creates a string representation of the variable that can be used as valid PHP code.

Here's an example of using var_export:

$variable = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2];
$output = var_export($variable, true);

The differences between var_dump and var_export output are:

  1. Format: var_export produces valid PHP code, while var_dump creates a more readable format.

  2. Type information: var_dump includes type information, while var_export represents types through PHP syntax.

  3. Readability: var_dump output is often easier to read for complex structures, especially for nested arrays or objects.

  4. Precision: var_export may show full floating-point precision, which can lead to unexpected results with floating-point numbers.

  5. Resources: var_export cannot handle resource types and will output NULL for them.

Remember that var_export doesn't handle circular references well and may produce warnings in such cases.

Tip: Using var_export for code generation

var_export can be useful for generating PHP code dynamically. For example, you can use it to create configuration files or generate arrays of data:

$config = [
    'database' => [
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => 'secret'
    'debug' => true

$code = "<?php\n\nreturn " . var_export($config, true) . ";\n";
file_put_contents('config.php', $code);

This creates a config.php file with a valid PHP array that can be included in other scripts.

Comparing Methods

Pros and cons of each approach

When choosing between output buffering with var_dump and using var_export, consider these factors:

Output buffering with var_dump:


  • Gives type information for variables
  • Shows a clear format for complex data structures
  • Handles resources and objects well
  • Spots circular references without errors


  • Needs multiple function calls (ob_start, var_dump, ob_get_clean)
  • Output is not valid PHP code
  • May be slower for large data structures due to buffering

Using var_export:


  • Simple one-line function call
  • Returns valid PHP code
  • Useful for code generation or creating configuration files
  • Usually faster than output buffering method


  • Gives less type information than var_dump
  • May produce odd results with floating-point numbers due to full precision output
  • Cannot handle resource types (outputs NULL instead)
  • Produces warnings when finding circular references

Pick the method that fits your needs. If you need detailed type information and handling of all variable types, use output buffering with var_dump. If you want valid PHP code output and don't need to handle resources or circular references, var_export might be better.

Tip: Combine Both Methods

For a thorough debugging approach, you can use both methods together. First, use var_dump for a detailed view of your variables, including type information. Then, use var_export to get a valid PHP representation of the same data. This combination allows you to see both the detailed structure and a reusable code format of your variables.