How To Add Elements To An Empty Array In PHP?

Published October 21, 2024

Problem: Adding Elements to Empty PHP Arrays

Arrays in PHP can hold many values. When you have an empty array, you may need to know how to add elements to it. This knowledge helps you build and change data collections in PHP applications.

Adding Elements to an Empty Array

Using Square Bracket Notation

To add elements to an empty array in PHP using square bracket notation, use the array name followed by empty square brackets. This method adds the new element to the end of the array.


$array[] = $value;

Examples of adding different data types:

$cart = array(); // Create an empty array

$cart[] = 13; // Add an integer
$cart[] = "book"; // Add a string
$cart[] = 3.14; // Add a float
$cart[] = true; // Add a boolean

Tip: Using Square Bracket Notation with Keys

You can also use square bracket notation to add elements with specific keys:

$cart['item_id'] = 1001;
$cart['product_name'] = "Laptop";

Using the array_push() Function

The array_push() function is another method to add elements to an array in PHP. It lets you add one or more elements to the end of an array.


array_push($array, $value1, $value2, ...);

Usage examples:

$cart = array(); // Create an empty array

array_push($cart, 13); // Add a single element
array_push($cart, "book", 3.14, true); // Add multiple elements

Both square bracket notation and array_push() add elements to the end of the array. Your choice between them depends on your code needs and preference.

Comparing Methods for Adding Array Elements

Pros and Cons of Square Bracket Notation

Square bracket notation is a simple way to add elements to an array in PHP. Its main advantage is its clear syntax, which makes the code easy to understand. For example:

$array[] = $value;

This method works well for adding single elements to an array. It's useful when you need to add elements one at a time or in a loop.

However, square bracket notation has limits when adding multiple elements at once. If you need to add several elements in one operation, you'll need to use multiple lines of code, which can make your script longer.

Tip: Use square brackets for dynamic key assignment

When you need to add elements with dynamic keys, square bracket notation is particularly useful:

$key = "dynamic_key";
$array[$key] = $value;

This allows you to assign values to array keys that are determined at runtime.

Advantages and Disadvantages of array_push()

The array_push() function offers more options compared to square bracket notation. Its main advantage is the ability to add multiple elements in a single function call:

array_push($array, $value1, $value2, $value3);

This can make your code shorter when adding several elements at once. It's useful when you have a variable number of elements to add.

However, array_push() may be slower than square bracket notation, especially when adding a single element. This is because array_push() is a function call, which takes more time than the simple square bracket assignment.

For adding a single element, square bracket notation is usually faster. But for adding multiple elements, the speed difference between the two methods is small, and array_push() might be more convenient.

Choose the method that fits your specific use case and coding style. If you're adding single elements or working in a loop, square bracket notation might be better. For adding multiple elements at once, array_push() could be more suitable.

Example: Using array_push() with an array of values

When you have an array of values to add to another array, array_push() can be combined with the splat operator:

$values_to_add = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
array_push($main_array, ...$values_to_add);

This allows you to add all elements from one array to another in a single function call.

Alternative Approaches

Using the array_unshift() Function

The array_unshift() function adds elements to the start of an array in PHP. This is helpful when you need to insert new elements at the beginning of your array.


array_unshift($array, $value1, $value2, ...);


$fruits = array("banana", "orange");

array_unshift($fruits, "apple");
// $fruits is now array("apple", "banana", "orange")

array_unshift($fruits, "cherry", "date");
// $fruits is now array("cherry", "date", "apple", "banana", "orange")

Tip: Performance Consideration

When working with large arrays, be aware that array_unshift() can be slower than other methods, as it needs to shift all existing elements to make room for the new ones at the beginning.

Merging Arrays

The array_merge() function combines two or more arrays. This method is useful for adding elements from one array to another, including empty arrays.


$result = array_merge($array1, $array2, ...);

Examples of merging empty and non-empty arrays:

$empty_array = array();
$fruits = array("apple", "banana");
$colors = array("red", "blue");

$result1 = array_merge($empty_array, $fruits);
// $result1 is array("apple", "banana")

$result2 = array_merge($fruits, $colors);
// $result2 is array("apple", "banana", "red", "blue")

$result3 = array_merge($empty_array, $fruits, $colors);
// $result3 is array("apple", "banana", "red", "blue")

Using array_merge() with an empty array as the first argument allows you to create a new array with elements from other arrays. This can be useful when you want to start with a clean array and add elements from existing arrays.

Example: Merging Associative Arrays

$array1 = array("color" => "red", "size" => "large");
$array2 = array("type" => "fruit", "color" => "yellow");

$result = array_merge($array1, $array2);
// $result is array("color" => "yellow", "size" => "large", "type" => "fruit")

Note that when merging associative arrays with the same keys, the values from the later array overwrite those from the earlier one.