How Secure Is The HTTP_ORIGIN Header?

Published September 29, 2024

Problem: Security of HTTP_ORIGIN Header

The HTTP_ORIGIN header shows where a cross-site request comes from, but some people question how safe it is. There are worries about possible weak points and how well this header stops cross-site attacks.

Security Aspects of HTTP_ORIGIN

Advantages Over HTTP_REFERER

The HTTP_ORIGIN header is more secure than HTTP_REFERER. HTTP_ORIGIN is set by the browser and harder to change, making it more reliable for identifying request sources.

HTTP_ORIGIN is also better at preventing spoofing. It only includes the scheme, host, and port of the originating site, without path information. This reduces the data that could be faked, making it harder for attackers to trick servers with false origin information.

Example: Comparing HTTP_ORIGIN and HTTP_REFERER

Consider a request from HTTP_ORIGIN: HTTP_REFERER:

The HTTP_ORIGIN provides less information, making it harder to spoof.

Limitations of HTTP_ORIGIN

HTTP_ORIGIN has some weaknesses. Not all browsers support it the same way, which can create security gaps. Some older browsers or mobile devices might not send this header, forcing servers to use less secure methods.

In some cases, HTTP_ORIGIN might not give full protection. For same-origin requests, the header might be missing. During redirects or when loading resources from a CDN, the origin information might not show the true source of the request.

While HTTP_ORIGIN improves security, it should not be the only method to protect against cross-site attacks. It works best as part of a larger security plan.

Implement Multiple Security Layers

Don't rely solely on HTTP_ORIGIN for security. Use it alongside other measures like CSRF tokens, Content Security Policy (CSP), and proper session management to create a robust defense against cross-site attacks.

Implementing HTTP_ORIGIN for Security

Best Practices for Using HTTP_ORIGIN

Server-side validation is important when using HTTP_ORIGIN for security. Check the origin against a list of allowed domains on the server. This helps prevent unauthorized access from unknown sources.

Here's a PHP example of server-side validation:

$allowed_origins = ['', ''];
$origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] ?? '';

if (!in_array($origin, $allowed_origins)) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
    exit('Access denied');

Combine HTTP_ORIGIN checks with other security measures for better protection. Use HTTPS to encrypt data, implement strong authentication methods, and update your security protocols regularly.

Tip: Use Wildcards for Subdomains

When dealing with multiple subdomains, you can use wildcards in your allowed origins list. This approach allows you to handle various subdomains without listing each one individually:

$allowed_origins = ['https://*'];
$origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] ?? '';

if (!preg_match('/^https:\/\/([a-z0-9]+\.)*example\.com$/', $origin)) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
    exit('Access denied');

This regex pattern allows any subdomain of while still maintaining security.

CSRF Protection with HTTP_ORIGIN

HTTP_ORIGIN helps prevent CSRF attacks by allowing servers to verify the source of incoming requests. When a malicious site tries to send a request to your server, the HTTP_ORIGIN header will show its true origin.

Here's a basic CSRF protection implementation using HTTP_ORIGIN:

function checkCSRF() {
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
        $origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'] ?? '';
        $allowed_origin = '';

        if ($origin !== $allowed_origin) {
            header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
            exit('CSRF attempt detected');

// Call this function before processing any POST request

This function checks if the request is a POST and verifies the origin. If the origin doesn't match the allowed domain, it blocks the request.

Remember, while HTTP_ORIGIN is useful for CSRF protection, it should be part of a broader security strategy. Combine it with other methods like CSRF tokens for better protection against cross-site attacks.