How Does PHP's Foreach Loop Work Internally?

Published October 6, 2024

Problem: Understanding PHP Foreach Loop Internals

The foreach loop is a tool in PHP for iterating over arrays and objects. Its internal workings are often not well known, which can lead to inefficient code or unexpected behavior. Knowing how foreach operates behind the scenes helps you write better PHP applications.

PHP's Foreach Loop Internal Mechanics

Array Handling in Foreach

The foreach loop in PHP handles arrays differently than many developers expect. When you modify the source array during iteration, foreach doesn't work directly on that array. Instead, it uses a separate mechanism to track its progress.

When you add elements to the array inside the loop, foreach continues with its original set of elements. It doesn't include the new items in the current iteration. This behavior prevents infinite loops that could occur if new elements were continuously added.

The loop interacts with the array pointer, but not as you might think. It doesn't rely on the array's internal pointer for iteration. Instead, foreach uses its own system to keep track of its position in the array.

Example: Adding Elements During Foreach

$fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
foreach ($fruits as $fruit) {
    echo $fruit . "\n";
    if ($fruit === 'banana') {
        $fruits[] = 'grape';
echo "Final array: " . implode(', ', $fruits);

This example will output: apple banana orange Final array: apple, banana, orange, grape Notice that 'grape' is not processed in the loop, but is added to the array.

Foreach Loop Internals

Foreach doesn't always create a full copy of the array it's iterating over. In many cases, it only increments the array's reference count. This approach is more memory-efficient than creating a complete duplicate.

The loop manages its position using a specialized iterator, not the array's internal pointer. This design allows foreach to maintain its place in the array, even if the internal pointer is changed during iteration.

PHP 7 vs PHP 8 Implementation

PHP 7 and PHP 8 handle foreach loops differently. In PHP 7, the loop creates a copy of the array in certain situations, like when the array is a reference. PHP 8 improved this process, reducing unnecessary array duplications.

PHP 8 made foreach more consistent in its behavior. It no longer creates unexpected results when dealing with referenced arrays. This change makes the loop's behavior more predictable across different scenarios.

The way foreach interacts with array modifications also changed between these versions. PHP 8's implementation handles edge cases better than its predecessor.

Tip: Optimize Foreach Performance

When working with large arrays, consider using the reference syntax in foreach to avoid unnecessary copying of values. This can improve performance, especially for large objects:

$largeArray = [/* ... */];
foreach ($largeArray as &$value) {
    // Modify $value directly
unset($value); // Important: unset the reference after the loop

Remember to unset the reference variable after the loop to prevent unexpected behavior in subsequent code.

Additional Information: Edge Cases and Peculiarities

Nested Foreach Loops

When you use nested foreach loops on the same array, PHP handles each loop separately. Changes made in an inner loop don't affect the outer loop's iteration.

$numbers = [1, 2, 3];
foreach ($numbers as $outer) {
    foreach ($numbers as $inner) {
        echo "$outer-$inner ";
    echo "\n";

This code outputs:

1-1 1-2 1-3 
2-1 2-2 2-3 
3-1 3-2 3-3 

Even if you change the array in the inner loop, the outer loop continues with its original elements.

Tip: Avoid Modifying Loop Variables

When working with nested foreach loops, avoid modifying the loop variables or the array being iterated. This helps maintain the expected behavior and prevents unexpected results.

Modification During Iteration

Adding elements to an array during a foreach loop doesn't affect the current iteration. The loop only processes the elements that existed when it started.

Removing elements can have unexpected results. If you remove the current element or a future element, the loop adjusts and continues. However, removing a previous element can lead to skipped items.

$fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date'];
foreach ($fruits as $key => $fruit) {
    echo "$fruit\n";
    if ($fruit === 'banana') {
        unset($fruits[$key + 1]); // Removes 'cherry'

This code outputs:


Note that 'cherry' is skipped because it was removed during iteration.

Example: Safe Element Removal

$fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date'];
$fruitsToRemove = ['banana', 'cherry'];

foreach ($fruits as $key => $fruit) {
    if (in_array($fruit, $fruitsToRemove)) {


This example shows a safer way to remove elements from an array by using a separate array to store elements to be removed, avoiding unexpected behavior during iteration.

Foreach with Objects

Foreach handles objects differently from arrays. When iterating over an object, PHP accesses the object's public properties.

class Fruit {
    public $name = 'apple';
    private $color = 'red';

$fruit = new Fruit();
foreach ($fruit as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key: $value\n";

This code outputs:

name: apple

The private property $color is not accessible in the foreach loop.

When you modify an object during iteration, the changes are visible in later iterations, unlike with arrays.

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->a = 1;
$obj->b = 2;
foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key: $value\n";
    if ($key === 'a') {
        $obj->c = 3;

This code outputs:

a: 1
b: 2
c: 3

The new property 'c' is included in the iteration because objects are passed by reference.

Tip: Use Iterator Interface for Custom Object Iteration

For more control over object iteration, implement the Iterator interface in your custom classes. This allows you to define exactly how your object should behave when used in a foreach loop, including which properties are accessible and in what order.