Can Node.js Replace Apache While Keeping PHP?

Published August 28, 2024

Problem: Replacing Apache with Node.js for PHP

Node.js and Apache are popular web server technologies with different strengths and uses. The question is if Node.js can replace Apache while still supporting PHP, a common server-side scripting language. This is challenging due to the differences between these technologies and their typical application stacks.

Node.js as a Replacement for Apache: Possibilities and Limitations

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It handles server-side operations well, especially for real-time applications and event-driven programming. Node.js is good at managing concurrent connections and non-blocking I/O operations, making it useful for applications that need real-time updates or streaming.

Node.js and Apache have different designs and purposes. Apache is a web server made to handle HTTP requests and serve static content. It supports many programming languages, including PHP, through modules. Node.js is mainly for JavaScript and doesn't support PHP by default.

While Node.js can do some of Apache's tasks, it doesn't have built-in support for PHP. This means you can't simply replace Apache with Node.js if you use PHP. You would need to rewrite your PHP code in JavaScript or find other ways to run PHP with Node.js.

Options for Combining Node.js and PHP

Running Node.js Alongside Apache

You can run Node.js alongside Apache to use both technologies. This setup lets you use Node.js for specific features like real-time notifications while keeping Apache for serving PHP content. In this configuration, Node.js and Apache run on different ports. You can use Node.js for tasks it's good at, such as handling WebSocket connections or processing real-time data, while Apache manages your PHP applications.

For example, you might have Apache serving your main website on port 80, while Node.js runs on port 3000 for real-time features. Your client-side JavaScript can then connect to the Node.js server for real-time updates while still accessing PHP scripts through Apache.

Tip: Port Configuration

When running Node.js alongside Apache, make sure to configure your Node.js application to listen on a different port than Apache. You can do this in your Node.js application like this:

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Node.js server running on port ${port}`);

This ensures that Node.js and Apache don't conflict with each other.

Using a Reverse Proxy Setup

Another option is to use a reverse proxy setup. This involves using NGINX or Apache as a reverse proxy to route requests between Node.js and PHP servers. In this setup, the reverse proxy server acts as a middleman between clients and your application servers.

You can set up the reverse proxy to direct requests to either the Node.js server or the PHP server based on specific rules. For instance, you might route requests for real-time features to Node.js, while sending requests for PHP scripts to Apache.

This approach allows you to use the strengths of both Node.js and PHP without needing to rewrite your entire application. It also gives you flexibility in scaling different parts of your application independently.

Example: Reverse Proxy Configuration with NGINX

Here's a basic NGINX configuration for a reverse proxy setup:

http {
    upstream nodejs {

    upstream php {

    server {
        listen 80;

        location /api {
            proxy_pass http://nodejs;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://php;

This configuration routes requests to /api to the Node.js server running on port 3000, while all other requests go to the PHP server on port 8080.