Octal to Binary Converter

Enter the Octal number and we will convert it to Binary number.


What is the Octal to Binary Converter Tool?

The Octal to Binary Converter Tool is a specialized calculator designed to convert octal numbers (base 8) to binary numbers (base 2). This tool simplifies the conversion process, making it quick and accurate for various applications, especially in computing and digital electronics.

Also check out our similar tool: Binary to Octal converter.

How to Convert Octal to Binary

The octal to binary conversion involves converting an octal number, which uses digits from 0 to 7, into a binary number, which uses digits 0 and 1. To convert octal to binary, follow these steps:

  1. Convert: Convert each octal digit into its equivalent three-digit binary form.
  2. Combine: Combine the binary digits to get the final binary number.

For example, the octal number 65 would be converted as follows:

  • Convert 6 to binary: 110
  • Convert 5 to binary: 101
  • Combine to get the binary number: 110101

Understanding Binary and Octal Numbers

Octal Numbers (Base 8): Octal numbers use a base 8 system, employing digits from 0 to 7. This system is simpler than binary for human readability while still closely relating to binary numbers. Each octal digit corresponds to a group of three binary digits. For example, the binary number 110101 translates to the octal number 65. Octal numbers are often used in digital systems to simplify the representation of binary-coded data.

Binary Numbers (Base 2): Binary numbers operate on a base 2 system, using only two digits: 0 and 1. Each digit in a binary number is referred to as a bit. Binary numbers are fundamental to modern computers, representing the two possible states of a digital circuit: on (1) and off (0). For example, the binary number 1101 represents the decimal number 13. Binary numbers are efficient for computer processing but can become lengthy for representing large values.

Using the octal to binary converter tool, you can easily convert octal numbers to their binary equivalents. This process is essential in fields like computer science and digital electronics, where different number systems are used to represent and manipulate data efficiently. Whether for academic, professional, or personal use, this tool is invaluable for accurate and quick conversions.

Octal to Binary Conversion Table

Octal Binary
0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111
10 001000
11 001001
12 001010
13 001011
14 001100
15 001101
16 001110
17 001111
20 010000
21 010001
22 010010
23 010011
24 010100
25 010101
26 010110
27 010111
30 011000
31 011001
32 011010
33 011011
34 011100
35 011101
36 011110
37 011111
40 100000
41 100001
42 100010
43 100011
44 100100
45 100101
46 100110
47 100111
50 101000
51 101001
52 101010
53 101011
54 101100
55 101101
56 101110
57 101111
60 110000
61 110001
62 110010
63 110011
64 110100
65 110101
66 110110
67 110111
70 111000
71 111001
72 111010
73 111011
74 111100
75 111101
76 111110
77 111111