Website Monitoring Best Practices

Published May 25, 2024

Monitoring your website's performance is important to give a good user experience and reach your business goals. Picking the right tools and using them together can give you a full view of your website's health. This article will show you the main steps to monitor and improve your website's performance.

Monitor Your Website Performance with the Right Tools

Monitoring your website's performance is important for a good user experience and reaching your business goals. To do this well, you need to pick the right tools and use them together to get a full view of your website's health.

Choose a Good Website Monitoring Tool

When picking a website monitoring tool, think about:

  • How easy it is to use
  • What features it has
  • How much it costs

Look for tools that offer:

  • Real-time monitoring
  • Alerts
  • Ability to monitor different parts of your website, like Uptime, Speed, User experience

For example, if you pick Uptimia, you can set up real-time monitoring for your website and get alerts via email, SMS, many 3rd party tools when an issue is found. This lets you quickly fix problems before they affect your users.

Use Synthetic Monitoring with Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Synthetic monitoring involves pretending to be a user to find possible issues. This can help you find problems before they affect real users. Real User Monitoring (RUM) shows how actual users interact with your website, including:

  • Page load times
  • Error rates
  • User journeys

By using both synthetic and real user monitoring, you can get a better overall view of your website's performance.

graph TD A[Synthetic Monitoring] --> C{Website Performance} B[Real User Monitoring] --> C C --> D[Prioritize Fixes] C --> E[Optimize User Experience]

Use synthetic monitoring to test specific things and find possible slow points, while RUM helps you see how these issues affect real users. Look at data from both monitoring methods to prioritize fixes and changes based on how they impact user experience.

For instance, if synthetic monitoring finds a slow page load time, use RUM data to see how many users are affected and how much it impacts their experience. This information can help you prioritize the issue and decide how to use your resources.

Use Application Performance Management (APM) for Detailed Analysis

For deeper insights into code-level performance issues, think about using Application Performance Management (APM) tools. APM provides detailed metrics on your website's backend performance, including:

  • Database queries
  • Server response times
  • Resource use

Use APM to find and fix performance bottlenecks that may not be clear through synthetic or real user monitoring alone.


APM can help you pinpoint slow database queries that may be causing delays in page load times. Here's an example of how you can use APM to find and fix this issue:

  1. Set up APM tool and monitor database performance
  2. Find slow queries through APM metrics
  3. Look at query plans and optimize as needed
  4. Check improvements in page load times using synthetic and real user monitoring

Add APM to your website monitoring tool to get a complete view of your website's health. This lets you connect frontend performance metrics with backend data, helping you find root causes and prioritize fixes based on how they affect user experience.

Set Up Targeted Monitoring for Key Pages and Functions

Find Critical Pages and Parts

To monitor your website well, focus on the pages and parts that have the biggest impact on user experience and business goals. Monitor these critical pages first:

  • Home page
  • Product pages
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout process
  • Search function
  • Account login


An e-commerce website should monitor its shopping cart and checkout pages closely, as any issues with these parts lead to lost sales. In the same way, a news website should monitor its home page and article pages first, as poor performance or errors on these pages can frustrate readers and decrease engagement.

To find which pages are most critical for your website, consider these steps:

  1. Work with various teams (e.g., sales, marketing, customer support) to understand which pages are most important to users and the business.
  2. Make user journey maps to show the paths users take to complete important tasks on your site.
  3. Review and update your list of monitored pages regularly as your website and business needs change.
graph TD A[Find critical pages] --> B[Work with teams] A --> C[Make user journey maps] A --> D[Review and update monitored pages regularly]

Set Performance Standards and Limits

After finding the critical pages to monitor, set clear performance standards and limits. This means defining acceptable performance levels and deciding when alerts should be triggered for issues.

Key metrics to set standards for include:

Metric Standard
Page load time Aim for under 3 seconds
Uptime Aim for 99.9% or higher
Error rates Aim for under 1%

Use these guidelines to set appropriate limits:

  • Use industry standards, competitor standards, and historical website data to set realistic and achievable limits.
  • Find a balance between being proactive and avoiding alert fatigue. Setting limits too low may result in too many alerts for minor issues, while setting them too high risks missing important problems.
  • Monitor your website's performance against these standards continuously and adjust limits as needed based on user feedback and impact on business metrics like conversion rates.


Suppose you set a page load time limit of 3 seconds but notice a drop in conversion rates when load times exceed 2.5 seconds. In this case, adjusting your limit downward could help you find and fix slowdowns before they impact revenue significantly.

Build Actionable Dashboards and Alerts

Customize Dashboards for Different Stakeholders

Creating dashboards for different roles and teams in your organization can help make website monitoring data more relevant and actionable. Here are some examples of dashboards for different stakeholders:

Marketing Team Dashboard

Metric Current Value Benchmark
Bounce Rate 45% 50%
Time on Site 2:30 2:00
Conversion Rate 2.5% 2.0%

Technical Team Dashboard

Metric Current Value Threshold
Server Response Time 500ms 1000ms
Error Rate 0.1% 0.5%
CPU Usage 60% 80%

When creating dashboards, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Focus on metrics that matter to each role or team
  • Use visualizations like graphs and charts
  • Provide context with benchmarks or historical data
  • Make dashboards easy to access and share
graph TD A[Collect website data] --> B[Identify key metrics for each role/team] B --> C[Create dashboards] C --> D[Review and update dashboards regularly]

Set Up Targeted Alerts for Critical Issues

Targeted alerts notify you when critical website issues occur. Set up alerts for key metrics like:

  • Website uptime/downtime
  • Page load times
  • Error rates
  • Form completion rates

Define thresholds for when alerts should be triggered, such as:

  • Uptime dropping below 99.9%
  • Page load times exceeding 3 seconds
  • Error rates surpassing 1%
  • Form completion rates falling below 80%

Alerts should provide context and information, including:

  • The metric that triggered the alert
  • Current and expected values
  • Historical data for comparison
  • Links to relevant dashboards or tools

Monitor and Optimize Your Website

Review and Update Monitoring

Staying current with monitoring best practices and tools is key to keeping a high-performing website. As new monitoring solutions become available, think about how they can be added to your monitoring strategy to help you find and fix issues faster.

Here are some examples of when to review and adjust your monitoring setup:

Scenario Action
Launching a new feature or section Add relevant pages and components to your monitoring plan
Increase in mobile traffic Update monitoring to better track and optimize mobile user experience

Encourage a culture of improvement and data-driven decisions in your team. Have team members regularly review website performance data and suggest optimizations based on what they find. Making monitoring and optimization a shared responsibility leads to a more proactive approach to maintaining website health.

graph TD A[Stay current with best practices] --> B[Review monitoring setup regularly] B --> C[Make adjustments based on business and user needs] C --> D[Foster improvement culture] D --> A

Work with Cross-Functional Teams

Website performance affects many areas of your business, from marketing and sales to customer support and technical operations. To create a complete and effective monitoring strategy, get stakeholders from different departments involved.

Some examples of cross-team work:

  • Marketing team: Identify key pages and user journeys to monitor for campaigns and promotions
  • Development team: Set up alerts and dashboards that provide insights for troubleshooting and optimization
  • Customer support team: Monitor website performance from the user's view and quickly identify and escalate issues that impact user experience

Share monitoring insights and data across teams so everyone has a clear understanding of website performance and can contribute to optimization efforts. Hold regular cross-functional meetings to review website performance metrics and discuss improvement opportunities. This helps break down silos and fosters a more collaborative approach.

Be Proactive for Website Performance

Instead of waiting for issues to happen, teams should actively monitor website health and take steps to prevent potential problems:

  • Do regular load testing to find performance bottlenecks before they impact users
  • Monitor server resources and scale infrastructure proactively to handle expected traffic spikes
  • Use a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) process to catch and fix issues before they reach production
graph TD A[Involve cross-functional stakeholders] --> B[Share monitoring insights across teams] B --> C[Foster proactive optimization mindset] C --> D[Conduct regular load testing] C --> E[Monitor server resources] C --> F[Implement CI/CD process]