Setting Up FirewallD in RHEL-Based Linux Distributions

Published August 15, 2024

This article covers the installation, configuration, and maintenance of FirewallD on Linux systems. It guides you through the setup process, explains how to manage zones and services, and provides tips for creating custom rules. You'll also learn about advanced features like rich rules and ICMP types, as well as best practices for maintaining your firewall configuration.

Installing FirewallD


FirewallD works with these Linux distributions:

Distribution Version
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 and later
CentOS 7 and later
Fedora All versions
Rocky Linux All versions
AlmaLinux All versions
openSUSE All versions

Check if iptables is active on your system:

systemctl status iptables

If iptables is active, stop and disable it to avoid conflicts with FirewallD.

Installation Steps

To install FirewallD on RHEL-based systems:

  1. Install FirewallD:

    sudo yum install firewalld -y
  2. Stop and mask the iptables service:

    sudo systemctl stop iptables
    sudo systemctl mask iptables
  3. Start and enable the FirewallD service:

    sudo systemctl start firewalld
    sudo systemctl enable firewalld
  4. Check FirewallD status:

    sudo systemctl status firewalld

    This command should show that FirewallD is active and running.

  5. Reload FirewallD after making changes:

    sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Additional Configuration

After installation, you can set up FirewallD for your needs. This can include:

  • Setting up zones
  • Adding services to zones
  • Creating custom rules
  • Configuring port forwarding

To list all FirewallD zones:

sudo firewall-cmd --get-zones

To view the default zone:

sudo firewall-cmd --get-default-zone

Reload FirewallD after making changes to apply them.

Tip: Verify FirewallD Configuration

After installing and configuring FirewallD, it's important to verify that your rules are working as expected. You can use the following command to list all the rules in the active zones:

sudo firewall-cmd --list-all

This command will display all the active zones, their interfaces, services, ports, and any custom rules you've added. Reviewing this output helps ensure that your firewall is set up correctly and provides the intended protection for your system.

Configuring FirewallD

Managing Zones

FirewallD uses zones to manage network trust levels. Zones group network interfaces and sources based on trust. Here's how to work with zones:

Command Description
firewall-cmd --get-zones List zones
firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=internal Set default zone to "internal"
firewall-cmd --get-zone-of-interface=eth0 Check zone of a network interface

Zone management:

  • Change zone of an interface:

    firewall-cmd --zone=home --change-interface=eth0
  • Get active zones:

    firewall-cmd --get-active-zones

Tip: Zone Selection

Choose the right zone for your network interfaces. For example, use the "public" zone for internet-facing interfaces and "internal" for local network interfaces to apply appropriate security levels.

Working with Services

FirewallD uses services to group network ports and protocols. This simplifies firewall management by letting you enable or disable sets of rules.

Command Description
firewall-cmd --get-services List services
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http Add HTTP service to public zone

Create a custom service:

  1. Copy an existing service file as a template:

    cp /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ssh.xml /etc/firewalld/services/myservice.xml
  2. Edit the new file:

    vi /etc/firewalld/services/myservice.xml
  3. Change the service name, description, and port numbers as needed.

  4. Reload FirewallD to recognize the new service:

    firewall-cmd --reload

Managing Rules

FirewallD lets you add, remove, and modify firewall rules. Here's how to manage rules:

Command Description
firewall-cmd --add-service=https Add HTTPS service
firewall-cmd --remove-service=https Remove HTTPS service
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-source= Allow traffic from network
firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp Open TCP port 8080

Rule management:

  • Add a rule to forward port 80 to 8080:

    firewall-cmd --add-forward-port=port=80:proto=tcp:toport=8080
  • Remove a port forwarding rule:

    firewall-cmd --remove-forward-port=port=80:proto=tcp:toport=8080

Example: Block an IP Address

To block traffic from a specific IP address, use the following command:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" reject'

Replace "" with the IP address you want to block.

Persistent Changes and Reloading

To make changes persist across reboots, use the --permanent option with your commands. After making changes, reload FirewallD:

firewall-cmd --reload

Advanced FirewallD Usage

Rich Rules

Rich rules in FirewallD give you more control over firewall settings. They let you create complex rules with multiple conditions and actions. Rich rules are more flexible than basic port and service rules.

To add a rich rule, use the --add-rich-rule option with firewall-cmd. Here are some examples:

Rule Type Command
Allow HTTP access from a specific IP firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="http" accept'
Limit SSH connections to 3 per minute from a network firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="ssh" accept limit value="3/m"'
Forward port 80 to 8080 for a specific IP firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" forward-port port="80" protocol="tcp" to-port="8080"'

To remove a rich rule, replace --add-rich-rule with --remove-rich-rule and use the same rule definition.

Tip: Log Rich Rule Matches

To log matches for a rich rule, add the 'log' option to your rule. For example:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="http" log prefix="HTTP ACCESS: " level="info" limit value="3/m" accept'

This rule logs HTTP access from the specified network, with a custom prefix and info level, limited to 3 log entries per minute.

ICMP Types

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is used for network diagnostics and error reporting. FirewallD lets you control which ICMP types are allowed or blocked.

To list supported ICMP types:

firewall-cmd --get-icmptypes

This command shows all ICMP types that FirewallD can manage, such as echo-request (ping), echo-reply, and destination-unreachable.

To configure ICMP rules:

Action Command
Allow ping in the public zone firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-icmp-block-inversion --add-icmp-block=echo-request
Block all ICMP traffic except echo-request firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-icmp-block-inversion
firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-icmp-block=echo-request
Remove ICMP blocking for echo-reply firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-icmp-block=echo-reply

Use the --permanent option if you want these changes to persist after a reboot, and always reload FirewallD after making changes:

firewall-cmd --reload

Example: Troubleshooting Rule Order

Suppose you have a rich rule to block all traffic from, but you also have a service rule allowing HTTP traffic. If you find that can still access your HTTP server, it's because the rich rule is evaluated first. To fix this, you would need to create a more specific rich rule to deny HTTP traffic from that IP:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" service name="http" reject'

This example shows how understanding the rule processing flow can help in troubleshooting and creating more effective firewall configurations.

Maintaining FirewallD

Reloading and Applying Changes

To apply changes to FirewallD, you need to reload the configuration. Here are the key commands:

Command Description
sudo firewall-cmd --reload Applies changes to the runtime configuration
sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent Saves the runtime configuration to the permanent configuration

To apply a change and make it permanent in one step:

  1. Use the --permanent option with your command
  2. Reload FirewallD


sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Monitoring FirewallD

Regular monitoring of FirewallD helps maintain system security. Here's how to check its status and list active configurations:

Command Purpose
sudo systemctl status firewalld Shows if FirewallD is active, enabled, or disabled
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all-zones Displays all zones and their configurations
sudo firewall-cmd --get-active-zones Lists active zones and their interfaces
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all Shows services, ports, and rules for the active zone
sudo journalctl -u firewalld Displays FirewallD log entries for troubleshooting

Best Practices for FirewallD Maintenance

  1. Schedule regular firewall audits to review your FirewallD configuration
  2. Remove unused rules and services to keep your firewall simple
  3. Document all changes made to the firewall configuration
  4. Test new rules in a non-production environment before applying them to live systems
  5. Keep FirewallD and its dependencies updated to the latest stable versions
  6. Use version control for your firewall configuration files
  7. Implement a change management process for firewall modifications

Tip: Automated Firewall Testing

Consider using automated firewall testing scripts. These can regularly check if your firewall is working as expected, alerting you to any differences or unexpected changes in behavior.