Linux Cat Command: Useful Examples

Published August 13, 2024

This article covers the basic syntax and usage of the Linux cat command. It explains how to use cat to display file contents, create and manipulate files, and combine multiple files. The article also addresses advanced display options and techniques for working with large files using cat.

Basic Syntax and Usage

Understanding the Cat Command Syntax

The cat command in Linux follows this syntax structure:


Command Components

Component Description
OPTIONS Optional flags that modify the command's behavior (start with -)
FILE(S) One or more file names to work with

Common Options

Option Function
-n Number all output lines
-b Number non-blank output lines
-s Suppress repeated empty output lines
-E Display $ at end of each line
-T Display TAB characters as ^I

Usage Examples

graph TD A[cat command] --> B[Single File] A --> C[Multiple Files] A --> D[Standard Input] B --> E[cat -n file.txt] C --> F[cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt] D --> G[cat < input_from_keyboard]

Single File Example

cat -n file.txt

This displays the contents of file.txt with line numbers.

Multiple Files Example

cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

This shows the contents of all three files in the order listed.

Standard Input

If no file is specified, cat waits for keyboard input. Press Ctrl+D to end input.

Combining Options

You can use multiple options together. For example:

cat -ns file.txt

This numbers non-blank lines and suppresses repeated empty lines in file.txt.

Tip: Use cat for quick file creation

You can use the cat command to create small files quickly. Here's how:

cat > newfile.txt
Enter your text here
Press Ctrl+D when done

This creates a new file named newfile.txt with the content you type.

Displaying File Contents

Viewing Single File Contents

Command Description
cat filename Display contents of a single file
cat -n filename Display contents with line numbers
cat -v filename Display non-printing characters


cat example.txt

Tip: Reverse File Contents

Use tac instead of cat to display file contents in reverse order:

tac example.txt

Displaying Multiple File Contents

Command Description
cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt Display contents of multiple files in sequence
cat -n file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt Display contents of multiple files with line numbers
cat *.txt Display contents of all .txt files in current directory

File Creation and Manipulation

Creating New Files with Cat

The cat command can create new files and add content to them in one step. Here's how to do it:

Operation Command Description
Create and add content cat > newfile.txt Type content, press Ctrl+D to save and exit
Create with multiple lines cat << EOF > multiline.txt Use EOF to mark start and end of content
Create an empty file cat > emptyfile.txt < /dev/null Creates an empty file

Tip: Use cat with redirection for quick file creation

When you need to create a file with a simple one-line content quickly, use cat with redirection:

echo "This is a quick file" | cat > quickfile.txt

This creates a file named quickfile.txt with the content "This is a quick file" in one command.

Appending Content to Existing Files

To add content to the end of existing files, use the >> operator:

Operation Command Description
Append content cat >> existingfile.txt Type content, press Ctrl+D to save and exit
Append from another file cat sourcefile.txt >> destinationfile.txt Adds content from sourcefile to destinationfile
Append multiple files cat file1.txt file2.txt >> combinedfile.txt Adds content from file1 and file2 to combinedfile
Append with here-document cat << EOF >> existingfile.txt Use EOF to mark start and end of content

Key Points

  • Use > to create or overwrite a file
  • Use >> to append to an existing file without erasing its current content

File Concatenation

Combining Multiple Files

The cat command can merge the contents of multiple files into a single file. This process is called concatenation. Here's how to do it:

Operation Command Description
Combine files cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt Merges file1.txt and file2.txt into combined.txt
Combine all text files cat *.txt > allfiles.txt Merges all .txt files in the current directory into allfiles.txt
Append to existing file cat file3.txt >> combined.txt Adds content of file3.txt to the end of combined.txt

Tip: Use sort with cat for organized concatenation

To combine files and sort the content alphabetically:

cat file1.txt file2.txt | sort > sorted_combined.txt

This merges file1.txt and file2.txt, sorts the content, and saves it in sorted_combined.txt.

Example: Combining log files

To merge multiple log files into a single, chronologically ordered file:

cat log1.txt log2.txt log3.txt | sort -n > combined_logs.txt

This combines log1.txt, log2.txt, and log3.txt, sorts them numerically (assuming timestamps are present), and saves the result in combined_logs.txt.

Copying File Contents

The cat command can also copy the contents of one file to another. Here's how:

Operation Command Description
Copy file content cat source.txt > destination.txt Copies content from source.txt to destination.txt
Copy and append cat source.txt >> destination.txt Adds content from source.txt to the end of destination.txt
Copy multiple files cat file1.txt file2.txt > newfile.txt Copies content from file1.txt and file2.txt to newfile.txt

Key Points

  • Use > to create a new file or overwrite an existing one
  • Use >> to append to an existing file without erasing its current content
  • When combining files, the order of files in the command determines the order of content in the output file
  • Be careful when using > as it will overwrite the destination file without warning

Advanced Display Options

Displaying Line Numbers

The cat command provides options to add line numbers to file contents, helping with line referencing and text structure analysis.

Option Command Description
-n cat -n file.txt Numbers all lines, including blank lines
-b cat -b file.txt Numbers only non-blank lines


  1. Number all lines:

    cat -n example.txt
  2. Number only non-blank lines:

    cat -b example.txt

Tip: Using Line Numbers for Debugging

When debugging scripts or log files, use the -n option to add line numbers. This makes it easier to pinpoint specific lines when discussing issues with colleagues or in bug reports.

Combining Numbering with Other Options

You can use line numbering with other options:

cat -ns example.txt

This numbers non-blank lines and suppresses repeated empty lines.

Showing Non-Printing Characters

Cat can reveal non-printing characters, useful for debugging or analyzing file formatting.

Option Command Description
-v cat -v file.txt Shows non-printing characters using ^ and M- notation
-T cat -T file.txt Displays TAB characters as ^I
-E cat -E file.txt Shows end-of-line $ character
-A cat -A file.txt Equivalent to -vTE, shows all non-printing characters


  1. Display TAB characters:

    cat -T
  2. Show end-of-line markers:

    cat -E config.txt
  3. Reveal all non-printing characters:

    cat -A document.txt

Here's the expanded information organized in tables and using Mermaid.js diagrams where possible, formatted in markdown:

File Content Formatting

Suppressing Empty Lines

The cat command can remove repeated empty lines from the output, making the content more compact and easier to read.

To suppress repeated empty lines, use the -s option:

cat -s filename.txt

This command will display the file content with only one blank line between paragraphs or sections, regardless of how many empty lines are in the original file.

Example Command
Suppress empty lines in a single file cat -s log.txt
Combine multiple files and suppress empty lines cat -s file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

Tip: Cleaning up log files

Use the -s option when viewing log files to reduce clutter:

cat -s /var/log/syslog | less

This makes it easier to scan through log entries by removing excessive blank lines.

Reversing File Contents

To display file contents in reverse order (last line first), use the tac command, which is cat spelled backward:

tac filename.txt

The tac command reads the file from bottom to top and outputs each line in reverse order.

Example Command
Reverse the content of a single file tac names.txt
Reverse and combine multiple files tac file1.txt file2.txt > reversed_combined.txt
Reverse a file and number the lines tac file.txt | cat -n

Tip: Analyzing log files in reverse chronological order

When troubleshooting recent issues in log files, use tac to view the most recent entries first:

tac /var/log/auth.log | less

This displays the latest log entries at the top, making it easier to find recent events.

Example: Reversing a CSV file's rows

If you have a CSV file with headers and want to reverse the order of data rows while keeping the header at the top, you can use a combination of head, tail, and tac:

(head -n 1 data.csv && tail -n +2 data.csv | tac) > reversed_data.csv

This command keeps the header row intact while reversing the order of all other rows in the CSV file.

Working with Large Files

Using Cat with More and Less Commands

Cat with More

cat largefile.txt | more
Key Function
Space Move forward one screen
Enter Move forward one line
b Move backward one screen
q Quit and return to the command prompt

Cat with Less

cat largefile.txt | less
Key Function
Space or f Move forward one screen
b Move backward one screen
g Go to the beginning of the file
G Go to the end of the file
/pattern Search forward for a pattern
?pattern Search backward for a pattern
n Repeat the last search
q Quit and return to the command prompt

Tip: Using less for log file analysis

When analyzing large log files, use less with cat:

cat /var/log/syslog | less

This allows you to search for specific patterns and navigate easily through the log file.

Viewing Multiple Large Files

To view multiple large files sequentially:

cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt | less

Displaying with Line Numbers

To display large files with line numbers:

cat -n largefile.txt | less

Example: Combining cat with grep for efficient searching

To search for a specific pattern in a large file and display the results with line numbers:

cat largefile.txt | grep -n "search_pattern" | less

This command combines cat, grep, and less to efficiently search and display results from a large file.

File Content Conversion

Binary and Hexadecimal Conversion

The cat command, combined with other Linux utilities, can convert file contents to binary and hexadecimal formats. This is useful for analyzing file structures, debugging, or working with low-level data.

Converting to Binary Format

To convert file contents to binary format, use cat with the xxd command:

cat file.txt | xxd -b

This command displays the file content in binary format, showing both the binary representation and the ASCII characters.

Option Description
-b Output in binary instead of hex

Example output:

00000000: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111  Hello
00000005: 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110010 01101100   Worl
0000000a: 01100100 00001010                             d.

Converting to Hexadecimal Format

To convert file contents to hexadecimal format, use cat with xxd without any options:

cat file.txt | xxd

This command displays the file content in hexadecimal format, showing both the hex values and the ASCII characters.

Example output:

00000000: 4865 6c6c 6f20 576f 726c 640a              Hello World.

For a more compact hexadecimal view, you can use the hexdump command:

cat file.txt | hexdump -C
Option Description
-C Display output in canonical hex+ASCII format

Example output:

00000000  48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f  72 6c 64 0a           |Hello World.|

Tip: Using hexdump for file comparison

When comparing binary files, use hexdump to get a human-readable representation:

cat file1.bin | hexdump -C > file1.hex
cat file2.bin | hexdump -C > file2.hex
diff file1.hex file2.hex

This method helps identify differences between binary files more easily.

Example: Analyzing file headers

To examine the header of a PNG image file:

cat image.png | xxd -l 32

This command displays the first 32 bytes of the PNG file in hexadecimal format, which includes the file signature and critical chunks.

These conversion methods are valuable for users who need to analyze file structures, debug binary data, or work with low-level file formats. They provide different ways to view file contents beyond the standard text representation, offering insights into the underlying data structure of files.

Selective Content Display

Displaying Specific Lines

The cat command, combined with other utilities, can display specific lines or portions of file contents. This is useful for focusing on particular sections of a file without viewing the entire content.

To display specific lines, you can use cat with the sed or awk commands:

Operation Command Description
Display a single line cat file.txt | sed -n '5p' Shows only line 5 of the file
Display a range of lines cat file.txt | sed -n '10,15p' Shows lines 10 to 15 of the file
Display lines matching a pattern cat file.txt | grep "pattern" Shows lines containing the specified pattern
Display the first n lines cat file.txt | head -n 10 Shows the first 10 lines of the file
Display the last n lines cat file.txt | tail -n 5 Shows the last 5 lines of the file

Tip: Combining Commands for Advanced Filtering

You can combine multiple commands to create more complex filters:

cat file.txt | grep "important" | sed -n '1,5p'

This command first finds lines containing "important", then displays only the first 5 of those lines.

Sorting File Contents

Cat can be used with the sort command to alphabetically or numerically sort file contents. This helps organize data or find specific entries in large files.

Operation Command Description
Sort alphabetically cat file.txt | sort Sorts lines alphabetically
Sort numerically cat file.txt | sort -n Sorts lines numerically
Sort in reverse order cat file.txt | sort -r Sorts lines in reverse order
Sort and remove duplicates cat file.txt | sort -u Sorts lines and removes duplicates

These techniques allow users to extract and organize specific information from files, making data analysis and file management tasks more manageable.

System Information Retrieval

Viewing CPU Information

The cat command displays system CPU details by reading files in the /proc filesystem. This virtual filesystem provides an interface to kernel data structures, allowing access to real-time system information.

To view CPU information:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

This command shows detailed information about the system's CPU(s):

Information Description
processor CPU number starting from 0
vendor_id CPU manufacturer
model name CPU model and family
cpu MHz Current clock speed
cache size L2 cache size
cores Number of cores per CPU

Tip: Filtering CPU Information

To display specific CPU information, combine cat with grep:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"

This shows only the model name of your CPU(s).

For a summary of CPU cores:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu cores" | uniq

To view the total number of processors:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort | uniq | wc -l

Example: Checking CPU Temperature

On systems with lm-sensors installed, use cat to check CPU temperature:

cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp

Note: The output is in millidegrees Celsius. Divide by 1000 for Celsius.

Using cat to view system information provides a quick way to access important hardware details without additional software. This can be useful for system administrators, developers, and users who need to check system specifications or troubleshoot hardware-related issues.