We are very happy to introduce our newest updates for Uptimia!
Root cause analysis
Receive all information about the cause of a downtime:
- Incident duration
- Errors detected
- Locations where your upside was unavailable from
- Response headers
- Traceroute
- Screenshot
Analyze individual polling logs
An easy way to get more information about your website or problems it might have.
Exporting for incidents and reports
Share important information with your coworkers or your hosting provider by sending them a PDF or HTML document. Alternatively, you can send them a permanent link to an HTML document.
Schedule maintenance windows
Want no alerts to be triggered when you are performing maintenance on your servers? Schedule a maintenance window and we will temporarily turn off monitoring to any websites you select. You can also schedule daily, weekly or monthly maintenance windows if you have a fixed time when you perform maintenance.
We are looking forward to delivering more and more features to our customers!